Page 93 of It Kills Me

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“You ready?” I said to Dante.

“Come on, sweetheart.” He turned to Scarlett.

She came to his side, a glass of red wine in her hand. “Let’s do this.” She wouldn’t look at me, and I knew her well enough to know my conversation with Cassandra pissed her the fuck off.

We walked over to Giovanni. “Hello, Giovanni. How’s the yacht?”

He grinned. “Just got back from a trip to Capri.”

“Nice. I love Capri.”

“You should come sometime,” he said. “Bring a nice girl. Or I can bring one for you.”

I chuckled. “I’m always looking for that special someone, so I’ll happily take a recommendation.”

“You got it.” Giovanni clapped me on the shoulder.

“Giovanni, I want to introduce you to my business partner, Dante.”

Giovanni’s smile dropped, but he shook his hand.

“And this is his daughter, Scarlett,” I said.

Giovanni shook her hand. “Lovely to meet you.”

“I’ve told you a bit about what we’re doing,” I said. “It’s been a few months now, and we’ve revolutionized the industry.”

“Oh, I’ve heard,” Giovanni said. “It’s a small town…”

Giovanni definitely didn’t like Dante, but I had no idea why. “Let’s take a seat.” I moved to the nearest table and pulled out the chair for Melissa. Dante gave me a cold look across the table—like this was somehow my fault.

We sat together, and it was quiet for a moment.

I looked at Dante, telling him he needed to step it up and not expect me to do everything. “Giovanni, I hear business is good. I was just in Croatia a couple weeks ago. I have my own yacht there.”

Giovanni nodded and took a drink.

I snuck a glance at Scarlett.

Her eyes were on me, daggers on the surface.

I looked away because there was nothing I could do to assuage her feelings right now. If she thought I was remotely interested in Cassandra, she was fucking crazy. All I wanted to do was stick my hand up Scarlett’s dress and fist her panties before I yanked them down.

The conversation between the other men was a slow burn. A really slow burn. But Dante kept trying, and eventually, the words started to come more naturally. Money was soon the topic of conversation, and Giovanni seemed interested in that…like all men.

“We’ve successfully moved our products north and east, but if we want to push even farther east, we’re going to need the right connections,” Dante said. “I think that’s where we can help each other.”

“This is awfully ambitious for one man,” Giovanni said.

“Oh, I’m just getting started,” Dante said before he took a drink.

“How can you have enough product for this?” Giovanni questioned.

“I just do,” Dante said.

“I can attest to that, Giovanni,” I said. “I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

Soon, the men were locked in deeper conversation. Dante crossed his arms. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation in private.”
