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“Let’s go drive the car and then you can give me your answer,” he said hoping she would accept his gift.


The new car was everything she’d ever wanted and he’d even gotten the color right. It was light blue with soft leather. She’d driven it to the breakfast cafe, and as much as she wanted to tell him no, she couldn’t.

And glancing at her car, she realized the tires were bald. She would need new tires if she was going to keep it because she didn’t need to have a flat with Wyatt in the car. Or heaven forbid, a blowout.

And that would take money, that frankly, she didn’t have.

They’d gone out to breakfast and Wyatt had fallen asleep and slept the entire time. Then on the way home, she’d stopped at a drugstore and bought more formula, diapers, and the numbing medication she needed for his poor gums.

All of this she’d been able to do while Blake sat in the car with Wyatt. He hadn’t wanted to wake him, so he’d stayed with the baby while she ran inside.

Was this how married couples worked things out? One would look after the baby while the other one took care of things that needed to be done. Raising a child by herself was extremely hard and she’d never dreamed it would be so complicated.

Though her mother helped her tremendously, there was always the worry of leaving her son behind with a sitter.

When she came back, Blake was taking pictures of Wyatt sleeping in his carrier.

“He’s so stinking cute,” he said.

“He is,” she replied gazing at the sleeping child, her heart swelling with an emotion she’d never expected to feel. A motherly passion that she knew would protect Wyatt from everything she could possibly keep away from him.

Sliding behind the driver’s seat, she glanced at Blake. “Did you get to drive the car?”

“Yes, I took it for a test drive,” he said.

Was she weak for accepting this gift? She didn’t want him to think this gave him any kind of advantage. What if even now his lawyers were working to make her life difficult?

What if they used her acceptance of this car against her? Pulling out into traffic, she knew how badly she needed this vehicle and yet, her pride kept telling her no.

When they reached her apartment, she put it in park and glanced at the interior. It was so damn beautiful. Then she gazed at her old clunker. It had almost one hundred thousand miles on it. Any day it could quit running and the tires were so damn bald, she was a danger to herself and other drivers.

“Let’s talk about it some more,” she said needing him to understand this did not mean she would give up anything to him.

“All right,” he said grinning. “I’ll get the baby.”

He opened the back door and pulled him out of the car seat. Wyatt made that sweet noise he made when he was being disturbed in his sleep. He would be waking up soon, hungry, and she had better get upstairs and get his bottle ready.

The curtains moved in Mrs. Anderson’s apartment. She’d seen Cristina get out of the new vehicle with its new tags still on the window.

“Let’s get inside,” Cristina said knowing sooner or later she would have a little chat with the woman. But not today.

They hurried up the stairs and she unlocked the door.

When they walked in, it felt right that Blake was by her side. It was like this was where he was meant to be and that rattled her.

“He’s going to be waking soon,” she said. “Let me fix his bottle.”

“I’ll hold him,” Blake said.

Already she could see the baby squirming. It wouldn’t be long.

In the kitchen, she heard Blake talking to him.

“Did you have a good nap? I bet you’re hungry. Your mom is in the kitchen making you a snack right now. I bet it’s going to be a warm bottle filled with that juicy, nutritious milk you like so much.”

The baby cooed and her heart flooded with love. How could she keep his father from him? Already they seemed to have bonded. He was the first man to be around Wyatt and they had an instant connection that shocked her. Even his pediatrician was a woman.
