Page 119 of My Lucky Charm

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She shrugs. “I’ve been doing the same thing for years.”

“And you want a different result,” Poppy says.

My frown deepens.

Poppy must note my confusion. “You know, the saying about the definition of madness.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know that saying.”

“The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result,” Raya says.

“Who said that?” I ask.

“Albert Einstein,” they both say.

“I’ve heard of him—lead singer for The Beatles?” I pop a green olive in my mouth and my sisters roll their eyes. I grin.

“So, what’s the result you want to change?” Poppy asks.

Raya shrugs half-heartedly. “I don’t know. This is . . . new . . . for me. Not knowing. Uncharted territory. I just think it’s time to mix things up.”

“Ah. Because your life is boring.” I say dryly even though I’m secretly thrilled by this news. My sister needs a little shake-up in her life. I just never thought she’d do anything about it.

“Ha, ha,” she says, annoyed.

“Ray,” I say, straightening. “Is this because you don’t want to be single anymore?”

Her forehead pulls. “What? No.”

“Yes!” Poppy’s eyes widen. “Because working in that same old boring office with the same boring people isn’t going to find you a soulmate!”

“Who’s finding a soulmate?” Dallas walks into the room at that precise moment, followed by Gray, who looks a little less miserable than usual.

“Raya,” I say, eating another olive. “She’s quitting her job and going on the prowl.”

“Oh, did you take the job?” Dallas grabs a slice of summer sausage and a piece of cheddar and pops both into his mouth.

“Wait, how do you know about her interview?” Poppy asks.

Dallas’s eyes dart from Poppy to Raya. “Oh, crap.”

“It’s okay.” Raya holds up a hand. “Dallas is the one who sent me the link.”

Poppy and I exchange confused glances. Why is Raya being so cryptic about this?

“It’s for the team,” Raya says.

“What?” If jaws dropping were a literal thing, mine would be beneath me on the floor. “You’re going to work for the Comets?”

Raya shrugs. “I’m looking over the offer now.”

“Oh my gosh, take it,” I say. “We can eat lunch together every day.” I shoot a look at Gray. “Until my boss fires me, anyway.”

His stoic expression holds. I glare at him like he’s my nemesis. I point at him. “One of these days, I’m going to make you laugh.”

So far, I think only Scarlett has been able to coax one out of him. Even on the ice, even when he scores . . . no real, full face smiles. Only that same intensely focused expression that seems to define him.

I turn back to Raya. “Ooh. Then you could marry Finn. Have beautiful hockey babies.”
