Page 162 of My Lucky Charm

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“Probably near Gray.”

“Or at the equivalent of the kiddie table,” I say. “They probably have that, right? A place for assistants? Maybe it’s outside in the lounge.”

“Eloise, assistants make up half of this room.” Raya looks at my glass. “What are you drinking?”

“Dr Pepper,” I say.

Her forehead scrunches in confusion.

“Gray had them give me this,” I say. “I don’t drink champagne.”

She squints at me, but before she can say anything else, handsome Finn Holbrook is at her side.

“I heard a rumor,” he says, that charming, flirty grin brightening his face.

Raya’s tight expression holds as she barely acknowledges him. Is she seriously not affected by this man’s attention?

“You took a job with my team,” he says.

She presses her lips together. “I took a job with the Chicago Comets, yes.”

“It’s because you want to be closer to me, right? I’m finally wearing you down?” He moves closer to her, but keeps an appropriate distance. It’s like he’s mastered the fine art of flirtation, and honestly, if Raya would just give him a chance, she might see that he is exactly what she needs.

She muses. “I’m in HR.”

His face falls. “Well, shoot. That’s going to put a damper on things.”

“I’ll say.”

Yes, he’s a little younger and much less mature, but he knows how to have fun. He’d loosen her up, and she desperately needs that.

Plus, her cheeks are definitely reddening at his nearness, and that has to mean something, right?

With Raya occupied, I glance back at where Gray was standing and see he’s now in a circle with Rosen, Jericho, and two other stuffy-looking men. Because this is a work function and he’s working.

Which is what I need to be doing too.

I feel my phone buzz in my clutch. I pull it out and see I’ve got a new email. I really don’t need to be checking my email at this hour, but for some inexplicable reason, I open my inbox and find what looks like an automated email from the HR department of the Chicago Comets Professional Hockey Team.

I skim read it, wondering if there’s paperwork I need to sign for some reason, but my eyes snag on the word “terminated.”

My stomach drops, and I go back to the top and read more carefully.

Dear Ms. Hart,

This letter is to inform you that effective immediately, your position as assistant to Grayson Hawke will be terminated as your services in this capacity are no longer required.

“Eloise? Are you okay?”

There’s more in the email, but I can’t see it.

My eyes cloud over with fresh tears because apparently, I’m a crier now. Is this what Gray meant when he said maybe I shouldn’t be working tonight?

“What’s wrong?”

I look up at Raya. I can’t speak so I just hand her my phone.

“What’s this?” She takes my phone, her eyes scanning the screen. “This is a mistake. This isn’t how things are done. Did you have a meeting to discuss this?”
