Page 80 of My Lucky Charm

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“I never got to be young, or carefree, or go on fun vacations, or any of that, and you know how much I love Scarlett. I’d do anything for her, and me getting married isn’t going to change that. But if you’re okay keeping her for a week, I’d like to go.”

I sigh. I know she’s given up a lot to raise our daughter. I was drafted right out of high school, and Celeste told me she would never hold me back from “greatness”.

Somehow, miraculously, we’ve been able to raise our daughter and keep our agreement to be friends. We’re both committed to Scarlett and to making our arrangement work. Celeste moved to Philly a week after I did, and if Ted wasn’t already in the mix, she probably would’ve moved to Chicago, too.

But he is in the mix. And I can’t ask her to uproot their lives. Which means less time with Scarlett. We’re still sorting out the details, but for now, I’ll take what I can get.

“I’ll never turn down more time with her,” I say, still mulling this over in my mind.

There’s just one problem. I’m in the thick of the season in a city where I don’t know anyone. How am I going to take care of a kid when I’m on the road?


I look at her. “But I have a trip this week.”

“Can you take her?” Celeste asks. “She’d probably love it. Or find someone to stay with her or—” Then her expression changes, as if she’s just now realizing all the reasons this won’t work. “Or wait. Maybe that’s a terrible idea. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you with this. You’re in season, and I don’t know what I was thinking, and—”

“No,” I cut in. “We can figure it out.” Celeste doesn’t talk to her mother anymore, so I’m all she has. I don’t ask why Ted has to elope right now because honestly, it doesn’t matter. Scarlett is here for at least a week, and that’s not a bad thing.

“What about school?” I ask because Christmas break is over. Is her school really going to let her just miss a week?

“I have all of her assignments,” Celeste says. “And some of her classes can be done online, but you’ll have to make sure she actually pays attention. She’s convinced that her teacher has nothing to teach her.” Her smile is soft. “She’s like her dad that way.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

She smirks. “No, you’re not.”

I chuckle. “You’re right. I’m not. I love that about her.”

“I know managing the schedule won’t be easy,” she says, “with everything you have going on.”

“I’ll handle it,” I say.

She narrows her eyes at me. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Thank you, Gray! You really are the best.” She starts toward the door. “I’ll go tell her.”

“Celeste?” I say, stopping her.

She turns, eyebrows raised as if to respond.


Chapter Twenty


I’m rinsing out our bowls when I hear Gray’s bedroom door open.

My heart races, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m about to meet the mother of his very wonderful daughter or because he and I had a moment last night.

A very, very nice moment.

That can never happen again.

He walks into the kitchen, followed by a petite brunette, and when he catches my eye, I can see surprise there. He didn’t know I was here.
