Page 84 of My Lucky Charm

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“Telling me the truth would complicate things?” I frown.

“No.” He sighs. “Conversations like this complicate things. I don’t date because I need to stay focused. That means not having to navigate things like feelings. I’m sorry if that doesn’t make sense.”

“No, it does,” I say, even though it totally doesn’t. My DNA is one hundred percent feelings.

Gray is the exact opposite.

I need to start approaching this whole situation like he is. Pragmatic. Common-sensical. After seeing him with Scarlett, after seeing his considerate and mature relationship with Celeste, and after realizing that his kindness isn’t something I imagined, I need to follow suit. Be a grown-up.

However, I’m having a lot of feelings about all of it.

What the heck do I do with those?

“Okay, I’m going to get ready,” he says. “Can you—?” He abruptly stops talking.

“Can I what?”

He scrubs a hand down his face. “I need to figure out what I’m going to do with Scarlett when I’m out of town.”

“Oh,” I say, not getting it, then brightening. “Oh! Yes! You’re asking for my help. Like, as an assistant!”

He shoots me a look. “Don’t act so excited.”

“I’m at your service.” I do a little curtsy and grin at him, trying to keep things from being weird between us, as if curtsying somehow isn’t weird. “I can take her. I’d love it.”

“You’re not actually a babysitter.”

“Trust me, Gray, hanging out with Scarlett will hardly feel like work,” I say. “She’s so cool. And I can get started on her room, if you’re okay with it.”

He frowns. “Her room? What do you mean?”

“Like, decorate it!” I say. “I’m good at making spaces homey.” I half crouch and wave my hand like a model on a game show displaying a set of matching jet skis. “In case you haven’t noticed.”

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“It’s kind of my job.”

“It’s kind of not,” he says back.

It’s banter. We’re bantering.

It’s the gateway to dating.

Shut UP Eloise.

“But I do love a project.” And I’ve been wanting to help, to really help since they hired me. It’s the first time Gray’s acknowledged that my being here might be a good thing.

He holds my gaze for a three-count, and then releases me from its grip. “Okay. Done.”


But I secretly pray he’s not totally done with me.

Chapter Twenty-One


We arrive at the photo shoot about an hour later. I try to busy myself in the car ride because watching Gray with his daughter is making my ovaries ache.
