Page 49 of Alpha's Captive

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“He’s the Sudfarman prince. The little brother of Queen Rozamond. I wouldn’t have had the nerve to do anything like that in that woman’s vicinity.”

Lex smiled. “He does have a point.”

“If not your child,” Asher asked. “Then whose?”

“Someone who would need the prince’s marriage to help cover up the mistake.” Asher replied. “After all, if a baby comes a little early in a marriage, nobody really notices all that much. Or cares one way or the other. And if the new husband were to conveniently die soon after the wedding because of some natural cause, then that would be convenient too, wouldn’t it?”

“Are you implying the killer must be the prince? No, I don’t believe it. He’s an omega.”

“So is Rory, and he’s extremely powerful, in his own way. Omegas can be killers too, if they have enough provocation.”

“I’ve never seen him with anyone much except for…” Brandon looked shocked for a moment. “That priest, Kellman. He’s always around. He was on deck the night your ship sank. He was standing right behind Chandler.”

We were all quiet for a moment and then Lex nodded. “I hate those fucking Sudfarman priests. They’re all evil bastards. I wouldn’t put it past him.”

I wasn’t too sure of that myself. I didn’t think Kellman had that much power. A person with that much would have had a hard time hiding it. I knew Lex despised the priests and I knew why. They had almost destroyed his omega soon after his marriage, according to what Brandon had told me. Lex held a serious grudge against all of them to this day, he’d said, and I’d actually been surprised when I learned that he’d allowed any of them to stay in his castle at all. Lex did not strike me as a forgiving man. When I pointed this out, Lex jumped to his feet in a rage.

“I didn’t, and I don’t forgive any of them. No one ever asked me about it, and I…damn it, I never even noticed. I knew that Harrison and his family have taken over the inn in town, waiting for… Damn it, I’m not sure what they were waiting for. I was so concerned about Brandon and getting back home to Rory, I… What kind of fucking spell am I under anyway?”

“The same one as the rest of us,” Asher replied. “But how are this witch’s powers so strong?”

“I intend to find out,” Lex said. “And discover who this bastard is, if it’s the last thing I do.”

Chapter Eighteen


Lex had decided to put his plan into effect that same evening at dinner. He had tried to forbid from Rory being there, but they’d had a massive argument about it and now he was going. I could understand that Lex was afraid for him, especially if a lot of errant magic started flying around. If anyone wanted to hurt an Alpha, all they needed to do was attack their beloved omega. I would have loved to have done the same for Brandon, though he was most definitely not my omega, but he gave me a long, challenging look after Lex and Rory’s argument, and I changed my mind about saying anything.

It was still hours until then, however, and I asked Brandon where his room was. I was tired, I said, and needed to lie down. I don’t think I fooled anyone, especially Brandon, but he needed to be with me as much as I needed him, so he took me to his room, and we closed the door and locked it behind us.

I wanted him so desperately. His cock strained against me as I kissed him when we first entered the room, but I ignored it for a moment, focusing instead on his pink nipples, that I uncovered by ripping open his shirt and laughing when he gasped. His entire body went pink then and I kissed him again and licked and bit his nipples until he shuddered with pleasure.

I couldn’t hold off any longer when I wanted him so badly. I lifted him and carried him to the bed, despite his blushes and protestations that he wasn’t a doll to be carried around. I had his clothes and mine off quickly, but I needed lubricant in the worst way. He laughed at my desperation and said that Rory had supplied him with a lot of different clothes and products he thought he might need, and I was welcome to look through the things he’d sent over. I found some hair oil and pomade and held it up, crying out with happiness until he threw a pillow at me and hit me in the face.

Complaining that he’d smell like a whore house, he bitched until I shut him up by smoothing a finger full of the pomade inside him and began massaging it into his sweet hole. I stroked him there until I reached inside and found the place even deeper that lit him up and made him strain against me. He was making delicious sounds of pleasure, and I couldn’t hold off much longer. When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I pushed inside him until he squealed and blushed again at the kinds of sounds he was making. His body heat was incredible, and I began to slowly impale him with every steady stroke. My hips were smacking that ass and I wanted to own him completely.

I bit his shoulder and sucked his blood, and I already felt his bite marks on my neck. But we needed to be closer, and I wanted desperately to knot him. I needed it to reconnect again. I heard him yelp in shock and pain as I eased my knot inside him, but then that sound was replaced with a high-pitched moan when his first orgasm overtook him.

His body trembled and whimpers tumbled from his mouth. When he looked back at me, his bright eyes were darker than normal. He looked a little weak and tired, which worried me, but he said he felt only incredibly satisfied.

“You’re mine, dearie. Forever and always,” I whispered as I kissed and bit and licked the back of his neck. With another fierce growl, I began to move slowly to ease my knot inside him more deeply. My cock was already buried, I could feel the orgasms teasing at my spine. I began to work it slowly in farther, stretching him over the hard ridge of flesh that was my knot. He moaned and tried to pull away, but I held him tightly to me and pulled him back more firmly.

Then, with a sudden wet plop, the entire knot slid inside him, and we both groaned. I began kissing the side of his throat and trailing more kisses over his ear. He moaned in ecstasy and pushed back into me, his ass now seated deliciously on my knot.

My knot would create a steady pressure against his prostate and bring him extremely intense multiple orgasms, causing hormones to flood his body.

I could feel him clenching around my cock with every delicious, decadent moan and shudder. I held him as tightly as I could, crooning in his ear and kissing him, unable to pull out until I was finished. Once inside him, my gland had swelled even more and wouldn’t release for a long time yet. After about the fourth or fifth intense orgasm, Brandon slumped in my arms. I kissed him tenderly, but there was nothing else I could manage. I was worried that this had been too much for him, considering his health, but this would be healing for him too, according to what Grimora had said. I laid my head down on his back and closed my eyes to wait for my knot to release, and I sent up a little prayer to any gods who might be listening to help my beautiful mate recover his strength. I needed him to be a hundred percent, and I couldn’t bear the thought of ever losing him.


We awoke after a long, restful nap and I could tell right away that Brandon was a bit stronger. The blue shadows under his eyes had receded and he didn’t look nearly as pale. He said he felt stronger too, and both of us felt happier than we had in a long time. We only had to get through this dinner ahead of us tonight, and I knew Brandon hated the thought of hurting Prince Chandler again. He also didn’t like the idea of not speaking to the prince beforehand, but Lex had insisted he not do that.

“We don’t know how deeply he might be involved in this thing,” Lex had said. “Until we do, you have to be careful. Whoever sank Roxbury’s ship will still want him dead once he finds out he managed to save himself. And whoever this person is, we have to be wary of them.”

Brandon nodded, but I could tell he was still unhappy. We were supposed to meet Lexington in his rooms before dinner and the whole pack was going to go down as a group—Lexington, Brandon, Asher and Wyatt. King Harrison was still in the palace, of course, along with his retinue. Lex had a plan for me to suddenly show up, like the ghost at a feast, and surprise a confession out of someone. Personally, I had my doubts about this. Whoever this person was, they were dangerous in the extreme.

When we arrived by the back stairway at Lex’s door, Brandon gave a quick knock, and we went inside. Lexington glanced up at us and nodded. “Are you ready for this?” he asked Brandon.
