Page 38 of The Imperial

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“Y-you wouldn’t?”

“No,” he said softly, his eyes flashing again and surely darker than before.

“But why? I thought I got on your nerves. You said you didn’t have any real feelings for me. You said it was all just biological. You said you hated the feeling.”

“I say a lot of things.”

I could only stare, at a complete loss of words.

“I never meant to hurt you, Rakkur,” he said, his voice soft. “Words were all I’ve ever had to use against you.”

“Use against me? But why would you need to do that?”

“Because you have a lot of power over me. You have for a very long time now. I can’t let that get in the way of my duty. It’s all I have left.”

“Not really. You could have so much more if you just reached for it. Don’t you care for me at all?”

“Of course. But I want you to stop fighting me.”

I turned and faced the bed, glancing down at it and then back at him. “I think you’re just a coward.”

He gave me a terrible look and growled at me. “Take off your clothes and go to bed. I’ve had enough for one night.”

“And if I don’t?”

“I’ll do it for you.” And there was that look in his eyes again.

I made the mistake of trying to run. It’s never a good idea to run from a tyger, but especially if you’re being stalked. They’ll think of you as prey and chase you if you do.

I made it maybe three steps before I was hoisted up and put firmly down on the bed. I was so excited by what I knew was about to happen, I started breathing heavily. I began struggling to get up, and I may have even lost full consciousness for a second or two during the tussle, because the next thing I truly remembered was him pulling my boots off. I tried to stop him, but again, it was a futile effort.

He brushed my hands away, then pulled my trousers and my breka off quickly and carelessly, breaking the string on the breka and throwing it all to the floor. Next came my shirt and then he had me naked. He took a moment to look me over, and I could see he appreciated the view. Then he yanked off his own clothing and fell over me. My typpid was burning hot, wetness already leaking from it and smearing over him. He strained to meet me, rubbing his cock against mine, nuzzling my throat and murmuring to me in Tygerian.

He began kissing me again, and we kissed for a long time. I was in no hurry to move things along. I wasn’t sure how long we kissed, and I still wasn’t sure what he was going to do. The feel of his naked body against mine made it hard to think clearly. At some point in the proceedings, his hand slipped up to my nipples, and I could feel his fingertips circling them, as they became swollen and tender. No one had ever touched me there before that I could remember, and it felt slightly embarrassing, like it was something you should do to a female. I hadn’t even known that part of my chest could be so sensitive. His mouth followed his fingers then, and his tongue began sweeping over them, and gods, was that his teeth nibbling on them too? I could hardly breathe.

He suddenly flipped me over onto my front side and began running his palms over my ass. I couldn’t seem to control my body anymore. I was arching up and then back, trying to turn over and feeling frustration when he wouldn’t let me. He slapped the cheek of my ass, not once but twice. Not hard and it didn’t hurt, but I felt embarrassed, and I began really wrestling with him. High-pitched little noises like I’d never heard myself make before came out of my throat, as I begged him not to do this.

“Please don’t spank me like I’m some child,” I said, with real tears filling my eyes.

“I don’t think of you as a child. Far from it. But will you promise me to be good if I stop? To do as I tell you to do and not question my orders?”

I didn’t answer him, but this time he caressed my ass with his big hand, then leaned down and kissed it. I shuddered and put my face down on the pillow. I was mortified that my cock was leaking onto the bed beneath me.

He turned me over and I reached up and grabbed him around the neck, pulling him back down to kiss me so hard I swore the ceiling was suddenly filling up with stars.

“This is not a good idea, Rakkur. We have to stop this.”

I saw those little flashes like shooting stars in my head again as I writhed under him, making those noises that I knew would embarrass me later when I remembered them, but absolutely unable to stop. He picked me up in his arms and pulled the heavy coverlet down to settle me on the sheets, while I lay back and watched his big, thick typpid bouncing around, making smear marks on his stomach.

“Now go to bed,” he said, breathless and trying to cover me up.

He had such a beautiful cock, long and hard, with a broad mushroom head that was velvety black with a pearly drop of his pre-come poised on the tip. I reached for it, smearing the drop with my thumb, wanting to feel the heft of his cock in my hand. When I had it in my grip, he gasped, and then fell down over me, stretching his naked body over mine with a groan.

Oh gods, it felt so good to have all of him on top of me, our cocks lined up and rubbing together while he sucked at my skin and bit my shoulder, and I bucked my hips under him again and again, wanting more. More pleasure, more feeling, more everything.

“No, this has to stop. I need to get up.”

I tried again to surge up to embrace him and pull him back down, and though he allowed it, he made murmuring sounds to me to shush me and soothe me, like I belonged to him. Like I was his to care for.
