Page 32 of Reaping Demons

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The drawbridge across the barren strip could have been right out of a fairy tale. Cain strode onto it without hesitation, so I followed, if more cautiously.

“Will the folks inside be okay with you bringing me here?”

“Why wouldn’t they be? The Regina herself visited you to extend an invitation.”

“Which I refused. She might not be impressed to see me.”

He snorted. “More like she’ll congratulate me on managing to convince your stubborn ass.”

“Hardly convinced, seeing as how you snuck me over,” I sourly pointed out.

“You said you wanted to know more.”

“I do. But next time, let’s ask before you kidnap.”

“Kidnapping is more fun, though.” The boyish grin he tossed my way stopped my heart.

Damn him for being too cute.

The large wooden door leading into the castle opened without a single knock, and he walked inside.

Me, I hesitated. The thick arch had tiny holes overhead and, in the bottom ledge, holes that looked like they might hold a portcullis. I could easily imagine it slamming down as I crossed. Logic dictated there were easier ways to kill me. Tell that to my trepidation. I just knew if I walked into the castle there would be no going back to my old life.

No more lounging at night in jammies, reading a book. No more dull days and weekends. No being blissfully ignorant of demons and other weird shit.

How boring.

Sure, I didn’t know what the future held. I’d never been more uncertain. But one thing I did know?

Despite being a coward about most things, I actually didn’t want to turn back. I’d never been more curious. A strange excitement filled me. Maybe I was destined to be more than plain ol’ Sadie Butler.

With that thought in mind, I stepped inside the castle.


Walking into the castle, I don’t know what I expected. Maybe a red carpet leading to a throne. Definitely thought I’d see suits of armor. What about a butler and other snooty-nosed people milling around?

My presumptions shattered at the sight of an empty, two-story chamber.

“Where is everyone?” I asked.

“Elsewhere.” Cain’s unhelpful reply.

“What’s this room used for?” I asked, seeing as how it held fuck all if you ignored the various doorways.

“Nothing currently. Used to be, back in the day, it was for hearing petitions from the people. A panel of three would sit and listen to a complaint and decide if the guild should deal with it.”

“Three?” I questioned. “I thought you only had the witch and reaper honchos running things.”

“Now we do. There was a time we had a Pontis. A go-between, if you will, for the two groups. Also a tie breaker if they argued on an outcome. But that position disappeared when we stopped the petitions.”

“Guess the new location isn’t conducive for having meetings.”

“No. Not to mention the whole superstition thing led to many accusations between neighbors that had nothing to do with demons and other arcane threats. We found it easier to monitor missing people and the discovery of mutilated bodies to track possible demon nests.”

“I thought the witches were supposed to scry for them.”

“They do. However, some demons are better at hiding from seeking magic than others.”

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