Page 55 of Reaping Demons

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Bang. Bang. Williams showed great aim despite the fact he ran. Both of the body snatchers dropped, but in less positive news, the sewer grate in front of the intersection rattled.

“Hold on a second.” Cain tucked me behind him, and I didn’t argue. Fuck feminism when demons abounded.

While he faced forward, I turned to eye our rear.

Kind of wish I hadn’t because the street crawled with monsters. They rose from the remains of the bodies they’d shredded, emerged from the sewer gates, smashed through windows, and creepily crawled down the buildings. So many of them. More than in the subway and the shop.

“We are so screwed,” I moaned. Why, oh, why had I insisted we come?

“Don’t give up. We simply have to cross the boundary set by the daemessorum,” Williams declared.

“We’re totally outnumbered,” I remarked, seeing the group of demons that stood in a line across the street. “It’s suicide.”

“Either we try to escape or we die here. Personally, I’d prefer to live, but even more important, given the way they’re determined to get their claws on you, you need to get to safety.” Cain tucked a talisman into my hand. “When I say go, you run like you’re going to be a demon’s dinner if you get caught.”

“Run where?” I asked because I really didn’t want to get bitten, chewed, and digested.

“Anywhere. Just get far enough you can activate the talisman.”

“Wait, what? I don’t know how to use magic.”

“It’s simple.” Cain wrapped his hand around mine as Williams continued firing at the threat. “Dangle it and think of going home.”

“I thought my home was compromised.”

“I mean the castle,” Cain replied with an eye roll.

Oh yeah. “What about you?”

“We’ll cover your escape and then hopefully follow. No matter what, don’t look back. Get to the castle and tell them we need reinforcements. Tell Nova about the daemessorum. She’ll know what to do.”

I nodded and bit my lip. “Thank you.” It didn’t escape me that they were risking their lives to save mine.

“Thank me later if we survive. Get ready.”

Cain suddenly moved, racing for the demons blocking our way, and I had to pump my legs hard to keep up. He went in, swinging his big scythe, and I almost paused to watch in amazement. The man moved like a dancer, leaping and twisting in the air, wielding his silver blade, his motions smooth, rapid, and effective.

Demons fell. Headless, limbs chopped, in some cases torsos sliced in half. He decimated those in our path, and I wanted to cheer.

Williams had a different approach, using his revolver to pick off the demons not involved in the melee around Cain. I wondered at his strategy until a gap opened up in the sea of monsters and Williams yelled, “Go, now.”

A brave person might have stayed to show solidarity. That same dumb person would have been demon fodder.

I bolted, my short legs pumping, my heart racing, my fear huffing hotly as I tried to breathe, watch for danger, and not get caught. I had to dash around the demon bodies on the street, some of which vaporized as I passed. I reached the cars, only to shriek as a hand emerged from underneath to grab me by the ankle.

I shook my leg and, when that didn’t release the grip, used my other foot to stamp down hard on the arm. Snap. Something broke, and the demon hissed in anger. Me? I wanted to puke, but in good news, I broke free. I slid over the hood and did not land gracefully on the other side. On the contrary, I hit the pavement hard on hands and knees, scraping skin. That would sting later.

If there was a later.

“Run!” Cain bellowed.

His command had me pushing to my feet and digging in with my toes. The darkness thickened around me, and I had to push against it, straining until I broke free. I burst into sunshine and staggered to a halt, lungs screaming with exertion. I whirled to look behind me and saw a dark morass.

Holy fuck.

Wait a second, there was actually someone talking.

I whirled to see some people standing on the sidewalk, looking at the darkness and murmuring. Fearful they would shed skin and come after me, I took a step back.
