Page 57 of Reaping Demons

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I shrugged. “Dozens. I was too panicked by then to count. Cain and Williams held them off so I could escape the dark zone and use the talisman. They said to tell you to bring back an army.”

Nova appeared stunned. It didn’t last long before she snapped out orders. “I need Cecily and Helen. Tell them to bring their focus objects. Asher?”

“I’ll muster some reapers.” The older man jogged into the castle, and Nova turned back to me. “You are unharmed?”

“Mostly.” The gouge marks Possessed Enzo left in my arm still burned, the short burst of healing not enough to fix them, but I’d manage, given I didn’t want any delays. “You have to hurry. The boys are all alone, and while they’re good, there’re a lot of those monsters.”

“And we missed it somehow.” Nova clenched her fist and jaw in anger. “Unbelievable. We’ll have to figure out how this happened later. First, we need to save Cain and Vance.” She began marching in the direction of the dais.

“Wait, you’re going there?”

She glanced at me over her shoulder. “I wouldn’t be a good Regina if I weren’t willing to go into danger myself.”

“What should I do?”

“Take refuge in the castle. We should hopefully return soon. Perhaps if you feel up to it, Mizuki can begin your magic tests.”

Ah yes, the thing I now wish I’d done instead of leaving. Blame Cain for talking me into going. Poor Cain, who might at the moment be dying as some demon slurped his intestines.

Rather than go inside, I hugged myself, silent as people rushed from the castle. First, a pair of women dressed in leather with long dusters like Cain. Ever watch Warrior Nun on Netflix? They gave off the same deadly vibe. Then there were jingles as the men bolted past, some with holstered guns, a few with swords strapped down their backs. Most wore dusters, but a few had cloaks that swirled around their feet as they strode. A reaper army going to battle.

Mizuki arrived and stood by me, murmuring, “Been a while since we’ve emptied the castle for a fight.”

“Doesn’t seem too smart to leave it defenseless.”

“Bah, I doubt there’s any demons left to even attempt to invade, not to mention, how would they get here?” she scoffed.

“I take it this kind of attack doesn’t happen often?”

“Not in centuries.” Mizuki’s lips pursed. “Since the last time a messovenata arose.” A reminder of what Nova called me.

“The demons were after me.” Stated not asked.

“Most likely.”

“Meaning I’d better learn to protect myself or I can never leave.”


I liked and hated that she didn’t lie to me.

I sighed. “This is such a clusterfuck.”

“This is why the brother and sisterhood exist.”

The last of the men jogged past, and I watched them until they disappeared into the woods.

How long before we knew what happened?

How long before I found out if Cain and Williams survived?

How long before someone blamed me for the deaths?

Mizuki caught my mood. “This isn’t your fault.”

“Kind of feels like it is, seeing as how the shop had a message and ambush meant for me and they were lying in wait inside my apartment building.”

“Let me put this a different way then. Legend claims a messovenata only rises in times of great turmoil. They are champions who put themselves between the demon legions and humanity. The fact they are trying to eliminate you is because they fear you.”
