Page 63 of Reaping Demons

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I reached into the pocket of my coat, and withdrew my own weapon. A scythe. A tiny one. How to make it big? I squeezed it tight in my fist and shook it.

“Let’s go. Sadie needs a big knife,” I muttered.

To my surprise, it became the large version and yet remained light to hold. While Mizuki took it slow, continuing toward the dais despite being blinded by the fog I couldn’t see, I darted to intercept the demon. No skill. No clue. No idea how to fight, yet I still had to try.

I put myself between Mizuki and the demon and screamed, “Die, motherfucker!” I sliced, and to my shock, the blade connected, slashing through its spine, killing it.

Yay me.

A victory short-lived, as more demons stepped into view. Their eyes glowed with feral hunger. Teeth showing in drooling grins.

Mizuki had made it to the dais, where she now stood with the amulet clutched in her fist. “Sadie! Where are you?”

The fog meant she couldn’t see me or the demon on the edge of the stone. A demon I wouldn’t reach in time.

“Go!” I yelled. “Get out of here.”

“I won’t leave without you.”

“If you don’t leave, we’ll both die.”

“It’s the messovenata’s life that matters, not mine!”

The demon chose that moment to grab her by the leg. She screamed and whacked down with her sword. A blind swing, but she connected. The demon squealed and released her, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

And I was alone.

Alone with demons, who circled me.

My sweaty grip on the scythe remained firm even as I shook internally. My lips pressed into a grim line as I growled, “Let’s dance, demon fuckers.”

I’d like to say I was amazing. That I suddenly knew how to fight. That I prevailed against the seven demons that charged me.

However, my clumsy panic led to me losing my balance, falling like a tree chopped in the forest, smacking my head against the edge of the dais, and passing out.



Cain swung his scythe again.

And again.

He’d been going at it non-stop since Sadie fled, and yet the number of demons didn’t seem to be diminishing. He could only hope she’d managed to teleport to the castle, seeing as how he’d seen a few of those bastards chasing after her. Unfortunately, too many stood between him and her. Maybe she’d figure out how to get her hands glowing again. After all, she had the magic within, if she could get it to obey.

“This is bullshit,” Vance muttered. The man stood at his back, far enough to avoid the scythe, but close enough to prevent any nasty ambushes from the rear. He’d been shooting nonstop, pausing only long enough to reload. So when it got quiet and stayed quiet, it wasn’t surprising to hear, “I’m out of fucking ammo.”

“And that’s the problem with guns.” Cain grunted as he sliced a short and fat demon in half. The chunky ones were rare. His understanding was that sustenance proved scarce in Inferis. In all his life, the only fat ones he’d ever killed were well-established on Earth and feeding on the local populace. So how long had this one been lurking? And where?

“I’ve killed more than you,” Vance stated.

“Says the guy who will die first since he’s down to his bare hands.”

“Have you forgotten who was the better wrestler?” Vance grunted.

Cain whirled in time to see the other reaper grappling with a tooth-gnashing ugly fucker.

“Kick it in the stomach,” he advised.
