Page 65 of Reaping Demons

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“Not enough to do a proper cleanup then,” Vance noted.

“This massacre is too large for our regular methods. We’ll have to resort to something more drastic.” Nova’s words mimicked Cain’s own conclusion.

“I’ll let Asher know.” The Princep in charge of the reapers. “Once he’s got everyone pulled out of the buildings, we can flatten the area, which will take care of any remaining demons.” Vance strode off toward the pizzeria where the Princep had just exited.

Since it was just him and Nova, Cain growled, “How could this happen? How did none of the witches realize the concentration of demons in this area?”

“The demon wizard, most likely. I never knew they could do that though. Darkness, fireballs, compulsion, and sleep spells, yes. But this level of cloaking?” Nova shook her head. “Unheard of and terrifying.”

“No shit. They’re really determined to get their claws on Sadie.” A woman he barely knew and yet, when danger threatened, he’d been more than ready to intercede. A strange thing for him, as he usually eschewed attachments.

“She is the messovenata, and it appears they will stop at nothing to kill her.”

“Do they want to kill her, though?”

Nova cast him a sharp glance. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“The message at her place of work said find.”

“Find to kill I would imagine.”

Cain shook his head. “I’m not so sure about that. She should have been dead ten times over.”

Nova frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“There were opportunities for the monsters to end her. Vance and I did our best to shield Sadie, but there were just too many.” His coat showed scores of claw marks. “When she ran past a few, they held back.”

“Are you implying they wanted to take her alive?” Nova didn’t hide her incredulity.

“I don’t know what to think, other than she shouldn’t have made it out, not without grave injury.”

“At least she’s safe at the castle.” Nova sighed.

“I need the Regina!” The shrill cry from Mizuki, who shouldn’t have been here, spun him around, but not as fast as Nova’s barked, “What are you doing here? Where’s Sadie?”

“The demons,” the witch huffed as she raced for them. “The demons attacked the castle. We tried to escape, but they found us in the woods. They killed Sadie.”

He went cold. “Are you sure?”

“She told me to leave so I wouldn’t die. There were so many,” Mizuki sobbed.

“I need to go see for myself.” Cain went to reach for his talisman, only he’d given it to Sadie. Fuck.

Nova put a hand on his arm. “You can travel with me.”

“No need.” Mizuki sniffled and held out her hand. “Sadie gave me your talisman. It’s how I was able to find you. I had the amulet return to its last location.”

Cain grabbed it, but before he could teleport, Nova put a hand on his arm. “Wait. You can’t go alone. We’ll need the army.” She uttered a piercing whistle that drew all eyes on the ground. She explained the situation succinctly. “The castle has been breached. We need to return at once. Asher, leave only enough men to get rid of the evidence of the demon attack. Everyone else, we need to go home! If you don’t have a talisman, buddy up with someone who does.”

Upon giving the command, Nova activated hers and with a hand on Cain they entered the cold space before exiting on the dais. A dais void of blood or a body.

Mizuki joined them seconds later, and Cain asked, “Where was Sadie attacked?”

The witch pointed to the left of where he stood.

“You’re sure?” He knelt to examine the ground. “There’s no blood.”

“Because she’s not dead,” Nova intoned. She had her eyes closed still. “Watch.”
