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“Oh…you haven’t heard, Hero? Lincoln Daniels here has his girl’s name tattooed on his dick,” Logan drawled.

Lincoln huffed, a small smile on his lips that looked a little psycho, like he was already imagining Logan’s punishment.

“Real men have dick tattoos, York. You’d do well to remember that,” drawled Camden, of course gettingallof our attention.

“Well, well, well…this is going to be an interesting year,” Ari snorted, his gaze bouncing all over the room. “They’ll probably want us to make some kind of calendar or something. A ‘12 Months of Decorated Dicks’ kind of motif.”

I shifted in my seat grumpily, thinking about the fact that Olivia had thought I had a fucking STD thanks tomy“decorated dick.” A tattoo would have been much better.

I glanced up and Ari was smirking at me. “You’re like a true ‘Swiftie’ with yours, Disney,” he whispered, and Lincoln snorted, shaking his head again, because sometimes…that’s all you could do with Ari Lancaster.

“Is your nickname, ‘Hero’, or is Logan trying to be funny?” Lincoln asked as he began to put on his skates.

Logan grinned, answering before Camden could. “Oh it’s ‘Hero' alright. He once jumped off the ice in the middle of a game because he’d passed a fan who was choking. Gave her CPR and everything.” He cocked his head mischievously. “She was really hot, so maybe it wasn’t entirely selfless though, was it, James?”

Camden’s cheeks were red.

“Oh my gosh. You totally fucked her after that,” snorted Ari, staring at Camden with a little awe.

Camden stood up from the bench. “Shewasreally hot and wanted to show her appreciation. Who was I to say no?” He turned to Logan who was grinning from ear to ear. “But also, how do you even know about that?”

“I was at that game sitting in the stands, old man. Saw the whole thing.”

There was a moment of silence and then everyone in the locker room burst into hysterics.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh at the old guy,” growled Camden, flipping us all off.

“Stop fucking around and get on the ice,” one of the coaches growled from the doorway, and I snapped to attention, freaking out a little because I wanted to make a good first impression.

“Relax, Walker,” murmured Lincoln, clapping a hand on my shoulder as we walked down the tunnel that led out onto the ice. I nodded, not sure why I felt fucking sick all of a sudden.

“How’s ‘Operation Become a Disney Dad’?” Ari whisper-yelled as we got onto the ice, causing me to trip and almost bite it.

“Thank you for that,” I hissed as I skated to where the coaches and players were gathering at center ice.

“Well?” Lincoln asked, a smirk on his face.

“It’s in operation,” I said vaguely.

“Wait! You’re actually doing it?” Ari’s face was complete shock.

I stared at him, bemused. “Of course.”

Lincoln clapped me on the back with a confusing chuckle, but evidently I’d pushed Ari over the edge.

“I thought you were kidding. I thought it was a joke,” he said, skating next to me.

I raised an eyebrow. “Ahh. You must have been distracted by the queso that night. Or the tequila shots. Or somehow convincing me to get a fucking dick piercing—Yep, it was probably that.”

Ari’s gaze darted between Lincoln and I. “Golden Boy, you are a bad, bad influence. I blame you for warping poor Disney’s mind.”

“Who’s warping Disney’s mind?” asked Camden as he skated up behind us.

“One second, Hero. This is a meeting between the ‘Circle of Trust.’ Inner circle members only,” Ari said belligerently, holding up a hand.

Camden cocked his head. “What the hell is the ‘Circle of Trust’?”

Before Ari could answer, Coach Porter cleared his throat, and I ignored Ari’s mutterings, my ginormous contract feeling like a million pound weight on my head.
