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I picked up my phone and shot off a text.


Ari answered immediately like he’d been waiting with bated breath since Sports Illustrated had released this morning.

Ari: Excellent. We’re doing this. I love a good drama scene.

King Linc: What’s the problem?

I grinned like I always did when Lincoln answered one of my texts. Because Lincoln Daniels was a god.

“Why do you have Lincoln in there as King Linc?” Cole asked over my shoulder. I jumped at the sound of his voice and hid my phone. My brother was like a cat.

“Don’t you have a pantry to raid?” I snarled.

“Well, I couldn’t help but notice that your rock god of a brother isn’t holding your attention at the moment,” Cole grinned, folding his arms in front of him.

I scoffed. “Did you just call yourself a ‘rock god'?”

“It’s confidence. Not cockiness, little brother.”

“Did you also rip your sleeves on purpose to make your arms look bigger?”

My phone buzzed, but there was a blush on my brother’s cheeks so I ignored it for the moment.

This was too good.

“If you got it, flaunt it, Walkie,” he finally said with a sniff, burying himself in the pantry again.

Me: From hereforth “Disney” is not allowed in your vocabulary.

Ari: I think the word you’re looking for is ‘henceforth,’ Disney.

King Linc: It’s definitely henceforth.

“I agree. Definitely ‘henceforth’,” Cole said as he bit into an apple with a crunch.

”Fuck!” I cried, jumping again at the fact he’d managed to sneak up on me once more. “I hate you all,” I growled.

Cole continued to eat his apple, completely unaffected by my ribbing.

My phone alarm went off and nerves spiked in my chest.

“Game time?” Cole asked and I nodded, rubbing my hand down my face.

Tonight was a big game. One of the biggest of my career. We were playing to get into the playoffs. But more importantly…I was playing to have a chance at a contract with Dallas for next year. Ari was leaving after this season, he’d been very clear about that.

I may have sounded like a pussy…but the chance to play with Ari and Lincoln…it was career goals for me.

L.A. had been good to me. But I was ready for change. And I’d always felt like a fish out of water here. For a Tennessee boy, L.A. was an alien world.

I smirked as Cole fiddled with some kind of falcon feather in his pretentious cowboy hat that was more rockstar than ranch. Maybeoneof the Davis brothers felt at home in L.A.

But it wasn’t me.

“Parker’s being a jealous prick that I’m going to the game and he’s not,” Cole smirked, looking decidedly delighted about that.

Our little brother had spring practice starting this week, and although it was a complete waste of time, Parker had the NFL draft in his sights and he was trying to do everything right to prepare for it.
