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Halfway through the game, Blake burst into a fit of laughter. "I can't believe it," she exclaimed between giggles. "Walker totally hired these women as bodyguards!"

I glanced between the two women…feeling a little dumb. They definitely fit the bill of bodyguards. The all black look they were rocking, the capability to bench four thousand men with one hand, the fact that they weren’t watching the game…the signs were definitely all there.

I started giggling too. “How do you know it was my man?”

“Because Ari keeps poking Walker and grinning every time he passes by and looks over here. He totally thinks it’s a ‘circle of trust’ move,” said Blake.

I side-eyed the woman next to me, but she kept her gaze averted, clearly not wanting to talk. There was a tiny smirk on her lips, though, that told me she was listening to every word we said.

Walker had totally hired these women.

After the game, we met the guys outside the locker room to say goodbye before we flew back on “Grandma Airlines” and they flew back on the team plane.

Ari came out first and made a beeline for Blake, scooping her into his arms and kissing her with an exaggerated smacking sound before he turned his attention to Monroe and me.

Ari was exceptionally good looking, so was Lincoln. Maybe it was a requirement for the “circle of trust” that Walker was so obsessed with getting into…they all had to be hot.

If so, Walker definitely had that going for him.

“Don’t even think about it,” said Monroe, a grin slipping onto her lips even though she was trying to be stern.

“Please,” he whined. “Just for a second.”

Monroe sighed. “Fine, but one of these days, he’s going to go crazy.” She was silent for a minute, seemingly deep in thought. “Actually, I don’t think he could get crazier than he already is. You’re probably safe.”

Before I could ask what was going on, Ari let go of Blake and slung his arms around Monroe and I’s shoulders. “Hello besties,” he purred, right as Lincoln and Walker came out of the locker room.

Lincoln literally growled. But before he could say anything, Walker had yanked me out of Ari’s grasp, and moved me against the wall, shielding me with his body before he smashed his lips against my mouth.

“Mine,” he murmured silkily, biting down on his favorite part of my neck.

“You’re acting like a caveman,” I whispered. “Or like a vampire, I’m not sure which one at the moment.”

“I’m acting like a man who literally has found the most perfect angel face sweetheart in the whole world, and I’m not about to let anyone take it.”

I wrinkled my nose at how over the top he was being, but I was definitely swooning.

“Spoiler alert. I don’t think that Ari is taking anyone. Blake and Monroe told me some of the things those two did to get them…” I huffed and lowered my voice. “I mean, they'reobsessed…”

Walker got a funny look on his face as he stared at me and studied my face.

“You’re totally right.Theyare crazy,” he finally said, giving me one more kiss as the guys walked us down the tunnel to where the car was waiting to take us back to the airport.

We were fifteen minutes away from touching down in Dallas when Monroe came out of the back bedroom, her beautiful face scrunched up in pain. “Ugh. My period started. I’m bleeding everywhere.”

“Oh shoot, do you need a tampon?” I asked, already reaching for my purse…only to realize…when was the last timeI’dhad a period?

I pulled out my phone, searching for when I’d made a note because I’d always kept track of my cycle religiously.

Panic. That’s what I was feeling as I realized that I hadn’t been keeping track for months…basically since Harley and Maddie’s wedding.

What the fuck.

Ok, think…I’d had my period…when was it?

Two months ago?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
