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Of course, I followed her all the way into the bedroom because this wasn’t something I could just let go.

She sat on the bed and stared out the window into the backyard.


“You said that there was nothing I could say that would change your mind about me,” she said softly, her shoulders hunched over and defeat all over her.

“And I mean that,” I swore fiercely. “There’s nothing that would ever cause me to not want you…to not need you. Nothing.”

There was another beat of silence.

“How about the fact that I allowed my manager to beat and sexually assault me for years. And when he finally raped me, I didn’t tell a soul.”

Her words hung in the air, suffocating and clawing at the oxygen in the room until it felt like there wasn’t anything left.

More silence descended upon us, broken only by the out of control pounding of my heart.

This. This was what rage felt like. This was what real hate felt like, the kind that could consume your whole life until there wasn’t anything else left.

Without a word, I staggered out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, where I doubled over the sink, retching violently as the bile rose in my throat.

Each heave was accompanied by a surge of raw, primal, terrifying anger.

I was going to kill him. I was going to cut off his dick and shove it down his throat.

And then I was going to kill him.

I straightened up, staring at the crazy eyed man in the mirror that I barely recognized.

With a roar, I lashed out, my fist connecting with my reflection. Pain exploded through my hand, blood spattering out onto the glass as it broke.

I welcomed the pain, relished it actually.

Even though nothing could take away what I was feeling knowing what had happened to her.

I leaned over the sink, forcing down the vomit that was threatening again. Finally, I realized what a dumb ass I was, and that I’d practically run into the bathroom right after she’d admitted something like that to me.


I dashed out to the bedroom, relief flooding me when I saw she was still there.

Walking around the bed to go to her, I felt like I might die when I saw the silent tears dripping down her gorgeous face. Tears blurred my own vision as I slumped to the floor in front of her, my chest heaving with the effort of trying to contain the emotions raging inside me.

"Angel..." My voice was hoarse, choked with tears and unspoken anguish. "I swear to you, I'm going to make him pay for what he’s done. I'll tear him apart piece by piece until there's nothing left but dust and ashes."

She stared at me, her gaze…confused. “What?”

“I’ve been working on a plan to destroy them both. I will get them, I promise.”

Olivia sighed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she said in a dead voice that made me flinch.

I stood up, cautious in my movements in case this conversation had brought up triggers from the past. When she didn’t flinch or move away, I stepped closer to her.

“It’s a promise I’m going to keep,” I growled, my hand closing gently around her chin so she couldn’t turn away.

The blankness in her gaze broke, and her gorgeous gold eyes filled with even more tears. “How can you touch me, knowing what—what he did?” A harsh sob ripped out of her.

“What?” I asked, in total disbelief. “How would anything that fuckwad did change how I feel about you?”
