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My girl loved me too much to be mean.

I went to touch her cheek and she jerked away, a cute little growl coming from her lips.

“I met with them after Harley’s wedding,” I began. “You seemed to think that there wasn’t any reasoning with them, and that we were dead in the water.” I shrugged. “So I reasoned with them.”

Her lip trembled. “And what didreasoningwith them look like?”

I gently pulled on her arm, taking her into the bedroom so she could sit on the bed. I needed to check her ankles for swelling too, see if I needed to massage them or anything. I’d read that airline travel and pregnancy sometimes weren't fun.

“Sit down,” I told her, and she huffed and tried to cross her arms in front of her…before remembering her left arm was still attached to mine.

When I continued to stare at her demandingly, she flopped down on the bed, trying her best to make her irritation known.

“I told them that I was starting a new team, and dating you was the perfect opportunity to get some publicity. They thought that you dating me was good for your reputation, so it was an easy sell.”

She nodded, tears gathering in her eyes.

“Sweetheart,” I said, appalled at the sight of her crying. “Obviously that wasn’t true! It was all to make sure they wouldn’t get in the way of us being together. It’s not like I could have justreasonedwith them.”

She nodded again. And I was beginning to hate that move.

“So the move to Dallas…that was you?” she asked quietly.

Shit. This web was going to untangle really quickly.

“Yes,” I said hesitantly.

“And the paparazzi magically knowing where we were most times we went out…you again?”

“I had to hold up at least part of my bargain,” I responded.

“And I assume the goal was to improve my reputation enough for me to perform to sold out crowds again?”

“I would assume that was their goal…yes.”

She stared down at the handcuff again and rattled it. "You know this is crazy, right…" she muttered, her voice barely a whisper.

“Some would call it that, yes,” I responded, trying to hold in my grin…because it seemed like she was softening.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered after another long pause. “When you knew all they’d done to control and manipulate my life…why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because of the situation we’re in right this very second,” I responded fiercely.

“What?” she asked, confused.

“Angel face, you’re questioning me aftermonthsof us being together. After everything I did to get you free of the conservatorship. After I made Marco’s dick a pancake. After you got pregnant with my baby… Telling you the truth after we’d spentoneweekend together was not going to go well.”

She bit down on her lip sheepishly…a small smile appearing. ”That’s—that’s probably a good point.”

I grinned triumphantly. This was going swimmingly.

“It’s safe to say I may have issues with trust,” she admitted, and when I tried to reach out to touch her cheek again, she didn’t move away.

“That is safe to say,” I snorted. “But for completely valid reasons,” I hurriedly added, not wanting her to feel bad about that.

Therewerelots of things about me she shouldn’t trust at all…being with her for the wrong reasons though…that wasn’t one of them.

“I’m sorry you have to put up with me,” she said softly. “I know it’s a lot.”
