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Ari: But again…not the circle.

Camden: I’ll get there.


The NHL All-Star Weekend was in full swing, and I was cheering from the stands as Walker took to the ice for the goalie skills competition.

Ari and Lincoln were standing on the side of the rink, waiting for their respective competitions to start. Ari reached over and grabbed something from the other side of the boards, pulling out a large sign that he hoisted above his head.

“Daddy Disney is a 10.”

Blake erupted in giggles next to me, and I saw Walker shake his head before he turned his attention to the competition.

With each event, from the rapid-fire shots to the precision saves, Walker was a badass between the pipes, leaving everyone in the crowd in awe.

He was also turning me on. Pregnancy had made me a horny mess, and watching him block shot after shot like the number one goalie he was had me feeling particularlythirsty.

Lincoln lined up for his shot, he was last since he was the number one scorer in the league right now. There was a mischievous grin on his lips, and Monroe literally swooned next to me.

I snorted at her and she stuck out her tongue. “What can I say? My guy’s hot.”

It was a true statement, but not even Lincoln Daniels could live up to Walker Davis in my book.

My husband.

The thought still made me giddy.

Lincoln skated towards Walker with the confidence of someone who knew he was the best. He closed in on Walker, his stick poised and ready to strike. With a swift motion, he maneuvered the puck with finesse, aiming for the top corner of the net. I held my breath as the puck soared towards the goal, a blur of motion against the ice. In a split second, Walker dove tomake the save, his body stretching to its limits as he deflected the puck away with his blocker.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Walker made the save, their applause echoing through the arena.

Walker did a little bow to Lincoln and Ari reached over the boards and grabbed another sign, this one saying.

“Disney, you’re still a simp.”

I giggled as I watched Walker skate off the ice, the clear winner of the competition.

My belly fluttered, and I softly rubbed the spot where our daughter was kicking the ever loving crap out of me. She did that, a lot.

And it happened to be Walker’s and my favorite thing to feel it.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite sister-in-law,” Cole drawled. I glanced up and saw him coming down the aisle towards us. He was performing for All Star Weekend, and I knew Walker was pumped to have most of his favorite people around for three days.

Right before he could get to me, Elaine leapt up from her seat. Walker still had two female bodyguards on me for every game—and every other time he wasn’t with me, which wasn’t often.

I thought they had a pretty easy gig since Walker’s favorite thing in life was being close to me.

“Hey,” Cole said indignantly when Elaine wouldn’t let him pass.

“Sorry sir, you’re not on the approved list,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her, a sight that would be intimidating to anyone since her biceps were the size of small busses.

“Who’s on the approved list?” Blake whispered, her gaze tracking Ari as he skated around.

“I don’t actually think anyone’s on the list except for Walker,” I mused, my gaze also on the ice as Walker skated towards us.

Blake snorted, not surprised at all since Ari was just as bad.

“Walkie-poo, tell this fine lady that I’m allowed to talk to your wife. She’s already pregnant. There’s not much I can do.”
