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It was heaven.

Harley skated by with a confident grin on his face. I waved at him, and he shot us a thumbs-up before focusing back on the game. Maddie squealed and tucked her arm in mine, her legs bouncing in anticipation.

The game began, the competition on the ice was insane. I’d been to Harley’s games in college, but they’d been nothing like this. He’d been in the league for two years now, which happened to coincide with me hiding for the most part, so this was the first professional game I’d actually been to. Watching him on TV definitely didn't give the same vibes and excitement as actually being at the arena.

“Is every NHL game like this?” I whisper-yelled as Harley was slammed into the boards by an L.A. player.

“Mmmh. I think everyone’s playing harder because of the playoff implications. They both have to have a win tonight to even have a chance,” she explained, shrieking in my ear when Harley made a shot and it was saved by the L.A. goalie.

"Fuck, Walker Davis is good,” she growled as we watched him make another save after that.

I rubbed at my ear, wondering if I’d ever regain the hearing I’d just lost with her screeching. “He does seem pretty good,” I murmured, watching him move.

“Don’t ever tell Harley I said this, but it’s pretty freaking cool that we’re getting to watch Ari Lancaster and Walker Davis play. I mean, they’re basically the best in their positions…and they’re eye candy in the yummiest possible way.”

She shot me a side glance.

“Like I said…don’t ever tell Harley I said that.”

I snorted and shook my head, staring at the two players in question.

It was hard to tell with their helmets on.

“Lancaster is new to L.A. this year. He used to play for Dallas and then after they won the Cup last year, he abruptly asked to be traded here.”

I frowned. “How come?”

She giggled and pretended to swoon. Pointing over towards the L.A. bench, my eyes caught on a sign being held up behind a beautiful girl.

“Mrs. Lancaster is my baby angel face. Do Not Touch,” I read out loud, snorting and then staring at Maddie with wide eyes. “What the heck?”

“I know. It’s the cutest. That’s the girl he requested the trade for. And now they’re married.” She squirmed in her seat. “It’s a love story right out of a book or something.”

“Mmmh,” I responded, wondering what it would feel like to be loved like that. It was certainly something I’d never experience.

I couldn’t get anyone to love me.

With each cheer and roar of the crowd, I was getting more into the game, the excitement feeding my own. Maddie screamed and yelled at every play, and her energy was contagious. I settled into my seat and found myself relaxing, the tension and worries I’d been feeling melting away.

Harley got slammed into the boards again, this time by Lancaster, and we both winced. Maddie leaped to her feet, “Fucking asshole!” she screamed at the L.A. player.

I snorted. This was actually pretty fun.

To rub more salt in the wound, the goalie blocked another shot, right as the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the period.

As if possessed by the spirit of a die-hard fan, I shot up from my seat and screamed at the L.A. goalie, "You fucking suck, Davis!" The words slipped out of my mouth before I even realized what I was doing, and once I did, I was dying. What the fuck was I doing? People were going to look at me.

But it was the person I didn’t expect that actually did…

The goalie turned and stared at me, our eyes locking in a silent exchange that sent a shiver down my spine.


He was pretty.

The kind of pretty that made you dizzy, and slightly obsessed. And wondering what having that for yourself would even be like.

I didn’t know that people existed like that in real life.
