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Which I was not about to admit may have had something to do with having to leave Walker Davis’s presence.

I’d found myself tracking his every move…for the entire game.

I had the strangest urge to curse him out again, just to see if he'd blow me another kiss.

Which was crazy. I was an under-the-radar kind of girl now. Something in this stadium had definitely gotten to me.

It had almost seemed like he’d glanced at me several times during the game. But that had probably been wishful thinking.

Not that I wanted anyone to pay attention to me.

It was a weird thing that for the first time in years, I was rethinking that.

The buzzer sounded and Harley and the rest of Seattle skated off the ice dejectedly as the L.A players moved towards their bench like their asses were on fire.

“What are they doing?” I asked Maddie as we stood up and prepared to leave—or I prepared to leave. Maddie was going to go meet up with Harley before they both flew home.

“I bet they’re watching the Dallas game,” she answered, pulling up the score between Dallas and Detroit on her phone. “L.A. had to beat Seattle to have a chance at all, but then Dallas had to win too.” She huffed. “All Seattle had to do was win to get to the playoffs. I can’t believe they blew it.”

We watched as Dallas’s #13 did some kind of crazy puck handling and scored a goal for the win. The fans around us had already been going crazy, but now the players were too.

Maddie stood up. “Let’s get out of here. I hate watching other teams celebrate.” I stood up to follow her and all of a sudden a grizzled old security guard was standing at our row.

Maddie and I stared at him, unsure.

“Please exit through the ice, ladies,” he said in a no-nonsense voice, gesturing to where fans were pouring onto the ice in celebration.

Maddie pointed to the people who were also filing up the stairs…the normal way. “We can just go up that way. It’s not a big deal.”

“We’re asking everyone in the first five rows to exit through there. For safety concerns,” he added…almost as an afterthought.

“You want us to exit on the ice?” I asked, confused. Maddie’s forehead was also scrunched up. Evidently this was a new one for her as well.

“Okayyyy,” Maddie murmured, grabbing my head and leading me down a few steps and around, to where people were flooding the ice.

“This doesn’t feel like a safety precaution,” I called to her as I narrowly missed getting my nose bashed in by an eager fan holding a giant “I Love You, Lancaster” sign, my feet slipping as I tried to walk on the slippery surface. I’d never been particularly coordinated.

“It’s fun to be out on the ice. Fuck…there’s Ari Lancaster,” she whispered, coming to a sudden stop and grabbing onto my arm like she needed it to keep her from jumping at him.

“You’re hopelessly in love with Harley and Ari’s married!” I reminded her, feeling my own kind of shaky in the face at how good looking Ari was.

But he wasn’t as good looking as that goalie.

Walker. That’s what she said his name was.

“I know I love Harley. I’m just having a fangirl moment,” Maddie retorted.

“Can you fangirl after we get off the ice? It's getting full.” My gaze watched everyone nervously.

“Give me one more moment,” she hissed, and I said a silent prayer.

I’d gotten comfortable during the game, but being on the ice with everyone walking around and yelling, nearly bowling into was making me nervous again. It just took one person recognizing me to set everyone off.

And I wanted to keep this night for myself. I didn’t want to have to explain it to Jolette and have her ruin it…just because she could tell it brought me joy.

Suddenly an arm swung around my waist and carried me forward.

“Eeeek!” I shrieked, only to be set down a little bit away. “What the hell?” I snarled, prepared to have a hissy fit on whoever had dared to grab me like that.
