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The way he was leaning towards me…how he couldn’t tear his gaze from my face…the way he was biting down on that bottom lip…

He at least wanted a minute of my time…and maybe I could give him a little bit of that. If given the chance—what woman on this planet wouldn’t?

But not as myself.

He was too beautiful for my brokenness.

“Violet,” I finally murmured. His eyes flashed in response to my name, but he didn’t challenge it.

“Walkie,” a deep voice called out, and then an arm was slung around Walker’s neck, a tattooed arm…that led to another gorgeous face…with very similar features.

A familiar face.

Cole Davis. Frontman for Anarchy…an up and coming band I’d been obsessed with over the past year. Their show with the Sounds of Us was the only show I’d been tempted to sneak out for last year.

What was my life right now?

There was something almost disappointing about the way his eyes slid over me, no recognition that I’d once been his peer.

That I’d once been bigger than him.

“You did so fucking good, bro. You were a killa,” he drawled in a light southern accent that matched his brother’s. A second later his gaze met mine. “Well helloooo,” Cole crooned with the signature charm that he was known for.

My eyes couldn’t stay focused on him for more than a few seconds though. His brother’s face was like a tractor beam, pulling me in. Still giving me that light, overwhelming, woozy, delirious feeling.

Beguiled curiosity. That was how I would describe the way Walker was staring at me. Like I was a puzzle he had to figure out.

I’m not going to tell him that there’s nothing to see. That I’m an empty husk that’s been sucked dry of anything redeeming or worthy.

Tonight, I’m going to be Violet, free of my past…free to have fun.

In a couple of hours I can go back to misery.

“I need to get laid,” Cole complained, dragging my attention back to him. “If it was possible, I’d be pregnant right now from the way you two are looking at each other.”

Walker’s eyes gleamed and he seemed to preen. Like that was the biggest compliment his brother could have given him.

My whole body flushed in embarrassment, because Cole was right…I was definitely eye fucking his brother.

“I’ll just leave you two to…celebrate,” Cole murmured, whispering something in Walker’s ear before he ambled away, immediately surrounded by three beautiful girls.

“Disney,” a sexy voice called, and then the guy that Maddie had been dying over skated next to us. The beautiful blonde she’d said was his wife was wrapped tight in his arms. I cocked my head, confused at the nickname.

“I’ve got Linc on the phoneeee,” Ari Lancaster sang.

Walker immediately paled and all the smooth confidence disappeared. In its place was a stuttering, nervous,adorablemess. “He’s on the phone? Did you tell him he was amazing? I?—”

“Good job to you too, Walk,” a deep voice drawled. Ari turned the phone and there was a majorly gorgeous blonde guy on the screen. Golden. Not blonde. That was a better word to describe his hair…and his face. Wait…it was the #13 that Maddie had pulled up on her phone. The one that scored that crazy amazing goal.

Seriously, how had I been missing out on the fact that hockey players were this gorgeous? Forget actors and models…this was where it was at. My gaze flickered over to an L.A. player nearby who seemed to be glaring at the back of Ari’s head. Ok, maybesomehockey players were this gorgeous. That guy definitely wasn’t.

“Golden Boy,” Ari said suddenly, like he could read my mind. “I think you broke Disney. He’s got this crazy look in his eyes.”

Ari turned and winked at me, like I was in on the joke, and then his gaze dropped back to his wife, a besotted, slightly insane look on his handsome face as he stared down at her.

“We’re going to get drunk,” Ari commented to the guy on his phone. He held it up in front of Walker. “Say goodbye, Linc.”

“Bye Lincoln,” Walker stammered. And I finally got it. Walker totally had a guy crush on this dude. I cocked my head. At least I thought it wasjusta guy crush…
