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My core gushed and he grinned smugly, like he knew exactly what he’d just done to me.

“Fuck,” he murmured then, his grin fading as his eyes latched onto my chest.

He stared as if my boobs were the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen. Which couldn’t be the case. There was no way this man hadn’t seen a million breasts, way more perfect than mine.

The thought made me sick.

His hand slowly covered my breast, gently kneading it. Leaning down, he bit softly at one of my tips before his mouth returned to mine, capturing my answering moan like he wanted every part of me. He licked and sucked at my lips as his fingers expertly mimicked the movements on my breasts. Walker’s hot tongue slid down my throat, sucking at my pulse point as I gasped for breath.

My body had always betrayed me in the past. This was the first time it felt like it was doing what it was supposed to. Like this god was made to bring me pleasure, and it was my purpose to enjoy it.

He gently suckled my nipple into his mouth, creating magic as pleasure built deep inside me.

The rough pads of his fingers glided down my skin. My breath came out in gasps as he again bit down on the top of my breast this time…like he was trying to mark me. He soothed away the pain with his tongue, a puzzled frown on his face as I glanced down at him, as if he hadn’t expected to do that either.

His hand reached the band of my leggings and he tugged them down, yanking and pulling until he’d gotten them down under my ass.

“If you don’t want me to tear them, angel, you might want to help me get these off,” he said silkily as his mouth and other hand continued to torture my breasts with pleasure.

I would need them when I ran away.

That was the thought in my head as I feverishly pulled my pants the rest of the way off, taking a second to realize that I was now completely bare underneath him, and he was still fully dressed.

As soon as I was done, my fingers tangled in his hair, needing something to hold onto as his hips rolled against my core. He was hard and huge against me. My mouth was literally watering just thinking of that giant, perfect dick I’d glimpsed earlier being anywhere near me.

A hand slid to my sex, Walker’s fingers rubbing through mydrippingfolds.

His other hand was still tugging and pinching at my nipple and a small orgasm rolled through my insides, completely shocking me.

“Did you just cum?” he asked, a hint of wonder in his voice.

I flushed, feeling it all across my chest, pinpricks of pleasure all over.

Pleasure was something I never got, not since I’d stopped those pills. But this was ten times better than the high they’dgiven me. An orgasm from Walker was a buzz I’d never stop craving.

“Fuck, you’re sexy,” he muttered as his talented fingers pressed and rubbed at my clit like he was actually some kind of sex god magician instead of a hockey player. “I’m going to ruin you…”

I was only faintly aware of what he’d just said, and I certainly didn’t understand it. I arched against him, grabbing desperately at his shirt as my insides coiled tight.

“Ahh,” I screamed as a much stronger orgasm hit me, the edges of my vision going white as euphoria splashed over me.

“You’re really good for my ego, baby. I think that was twice in twenty seconds.”

I blinked at him, slowly coming back to earth.

He lifted off his shirt, revealing inch by inch of the most glorious body I’d ever seen. Up close I could take in the tattoos that I hadn’t gotten a look at while we’d been on the ice. Like the replica of a human heart etched over the skin where his actual one was beating. The heart itself appeared as though it had been plucked from a living, beating chest, with every vein and artery meticulously etched into existence.

I hungrily traced the rest of his inked artistry. Watercolor-inspired designs splashed across his strong, broad right shoulder. The soft lines of the artwork at odds with the macabre images; hauntingly beautiful skulls with hollow eyes that seemed to stare out at me.

His tattoos didn’t seem to match what I’d seen of him so far, and I was even more…interested.

Just for tonight, I told myself fiercely, trying to memorize the cut of his abs and how protected I felt underneath him like this.

“You’re unreal,” I murmured, kind of wondering if I was actually dreaming. Men like him didn’t exist.

His abs were a masterpiece, each muscle sharply delineated, creating a mesmerizing pattern of ridges and valleys. They rippled as he pushed off his sweatpants, and I couldn’t help but reach out and run my fingers along his skin.

He shivered as if my hands were cold, but when I tried to move away, he grabbed my wrist, holding it against him.
