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I’d been ignoring my phone. Not bothering with anything unless it was Jeff sending me information. But the idea ofnewswas intriguing…

Me: What’s up?

Ari: What’s up? That’s what I get? No, “I love you the mostest.” Or “thanks for finding this out.”

King Linc: Just tell him the news, Lancaster.

Ari: Ooh…pulling out the big guns. A little last name action.

Me: Thanks for finding this out. Now what am I finding out?

I sat up straight when the door to her complex opened and…a seventy year old woman stepped out.


Slumping back in my seat, I glanced at my phone.

Ari: Dallas called your agent.

I tensed, staring at the text.

Me: You better not be joking with me, Lancaster.

Ari: Hah. Nice try. But that doesn’t do it for me like it does when golden boy says it. There’s simply not enough simping coming from you at the moment over the fact that I just told you DALLAS CALLED YOUR AGENT.

My phone buzzed, this time with an incoming call. Fuck. It was my agent.

Was it hot in here? Did I have a fever? Was my truck leaking gas and I was going crazy from the fumes?

Actually something to consider. I kicked at a chip bag that had fallen to the cab floor.

“Hello,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fact that I might have been about to spontaneously combust.

My agent's voice crackled through the line. "Walker, Dallas reached out."

"Fuck. Tell me they want me," I begged…sounding a little hysterical.

The door opened again and honestly, thank fuck it was another gray haired, hundred year old looking granny, because I may have died from excitement between seeing Olivia and this phone call.

“They sent over an offer.”

I was dying, about to melt into my seat.

My phone buzzed as texts came in.


King Linc: Maybe he’s not interested in Dallas.

I pretended like he’d said that in a very sullen, distraught, devastated voice.

Ari: Psshh. Disney would never.

"Six years. Sixty million," Tucker said, obviously done with the blank silence I was giving him.

“Fuck,” I whispered, and the fucker laughed at me.

The door to Olivia’s building opened again and I glanced up, watching it almost absentmindedly, expecting it to be another old lady…since Olivia apparently lived in some kind of retirement home judging by the ages of the other residents in the building.
