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Lincoln and Ari side-eyed each other, grins sneaking on their faces.

“What’s her name? Is she excited about the baby?” Lincoln asked as he went in for more queso. Ari had woken up from his temporary daze though, and he smacked his hand right before he got in there with his chip.

I thought about his question. Excited was probably not the right word for what Olivia was feeling at the moment.

But I was hoping I could change her mind.

Yes, I’d poked the condom a million times to make sure my swimmers got in there, but the idea had really taken root when I saw an interview she’d done with Diane Klossrud, a fucking genius at getting things out of even the most difficult subjects.

The interview would have taken place about a year before the conservatorship had kicked in, when she was still performing. Diane had asked Olivia what she wanted for the future, I’m sure expecting something like “winning a million Grammy’s, or touring every country,” or something else like that. Instead, Olivia had said, “I want to have a family someday.”

Believe me, the statement had surprised me as much as it had surprised Diane.

“Shewillbe excited,” I finally announced to Lincoln and Ari as I snagged some more queso and started snacking on it.

They stared at me like I’d said something crazy, so I decided to just give it all to them…“When she finds out…”

We were drunk.

More than drunk. We were wasted.

“If you love this girl, you have to pwooove it,” Lincoln was explaining, waving his hands around in the air.

I studied his hand movements, wondering if there was like a secret message in them or something.

“How do I do that?” I slurred, blinking a few times so I could stop seeing double of him. I could barely speak right in front ofoneof him, I couldn’t handle two of Lincoln Daniels.

“Disney, you little simp,” Ari said loudly, throwing a shot back. I frowned, because that was my shot.

“Oh fuck,” I whispered as the room spun.

“Walker,” Ari whisper-yelled. “They’ve just started playing our song!”

“What song?” Lincoln asked, throwing back the shot that the waitress had just given him.

“It’s Tay-Tay!” Ari announced, jumping from his stool and doing some kind of weird hip thrust thing.

“You look ridiculous,” slurred Lincoln.

“I call this the Blake WallBanger.” Ari almost fell over as he started laughing like he’d said somethinghilarious.

I realized finally what he’d just said. “It is Tay-Tay!” I said, my voice coming out really high-pitched. “I’m going to do it. I’m going to dance on the fucking table. She deserves it,” I told them, and they both nodded seriously, like I’d had the best idea of all time.

I kneed up on my chair and then crawled onto the table, my unsteady legs carrying me like they were guided by some unseen force.

Players gonna play, play, play,I hummed as I struggled to my feet.

“Shit, that’s good,” said Ari, and I glanced over to see him doing this weird spin move that made me dizzy. Lincoln was bobbing his head, unable to withstand the force of the infectious beat as I finally got to my feet, the table swaying underneath me.

The chorus was about to hit, fuck yes.

I threw my hands in the air, swaying my hips as plates and glasses clanged together on the table as I moved.

“Disney! Disney! Disney!” Ari chanted, pointing at Lincoln as he sang along.

“Sir. Sir!” the waitress called. “Sir, can you come down, please?”

“I love Olivia,” I told her. “This dick is hers.”
