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It was a nice place. Very homey feeling?—

“What the fuck?” Harley hissed. I turned, frowning when I saw that he was still standing by the door, gaping at me. He was dressed in workout clothes and I grimaced at the Seattle shirt he was wearing—it reminded me of the fact that Olivia had been wearinghisjersey that night.

The thought made me feel a bit twitchy inside.

“Have any beer?” I asked, making myself comfortable on the couch. TV was a little small, but I guess the house couldn’t be perfect.

Harley blinked at me and I was afraid that I’d broken him.

“Sit the fuck down,” I murmured, since he obviously wasn’t going to just be cool about this.

A very rational response to a random person he barely knew showing up to his house late at night.

“I feel like I should call the police…should I call the police?” Harley asked haltingly, finally walking into the living room…moving as slowly as he was talking.

I couldn’t believe this guy was Olivia’s cousin.

“First of all, congrats on the wedding, dude. That’s awesome. I hope to be married soon, too.”

Ari had told me to go in all charming like…but it didn’t seem to be working. Harley was staring at me and it was honestly a little bit unsettling, because he wasn’t blinking that much.

“Um…thanks?” he finally said.

I nodded. Alright, that was a good sign.

“Are you sure you don’t have any beer?” I asked, because this was really awkward. “Maybe some whiskey or something…”

Hmm…maybe I should have brought in Ari’s flask. Harley here could have used some moonshine…obviously.

”Weed, maybe? It came in clutch when I had my dick done. You should try it. Not the dick obviously…the weed.”

Harley’s eyes bugged out like I’d said something weird.

I licked my lip, catching some of the moonshine’s aftertaste…it actually wasn’t that bad.

“I’m still waiting for the punchline, Davis. My fiancée is going to be back in twenty minutes…and I really don’t want you still here because you’re creeping me out.”

I scoffed. He was the one staring at me without blinking. Who was he calling creepy?

Focus, Walker. Focus, I told myself.

Fuck, my dick hurt. I really wanted to adjust it…but I obviously couldn’t do that with him watching me like that.

“Okay…I’ll just cut to the chase then. I need you to make me a groomsman in your wedding.” I sat up straight, glad to have just gotten it out.

He gaped at me.

“Man, you gotta blink. You’re scaring me. Your eyeballs are going to fall out or something,” I told him, very serious about it.

“Did you just ask me to make you a groomsman in my wedding?” he spat, completely ignoring my helpful words of advice.


“Well…there’s actually a little more to it than that,” I told him, trying to get comfortable because the couch wasn’t nearly comfy enough for my tortured dick. “I need you to match me up with your cousin. I assume you’re doing it the traditional way where people are paired up in the wedding?—”

Harley sat on the couch and leaned forward, pulling out his phone. “Walker, dude. Who can I call? Are you okay? Have you hit your head recently? Because there’s no fucking way that I’m having you as a groomsman in my wedding. And it’s even abigger no fucking way that you’re going to have anything to do with my cousin.”

I sighed, because honestly, I really hadn’t wanted to do this the hard way. Just based on the fact that Olivia never left her place, the fact that she’d gone to Harley’s game meant that she liked her cousin. A lot. This was going to be a temporary setback to me forming a friendship with Harley for Olivia, but I was sure we would eventually recover.
