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That was the word Jolette chose to send.

Sir Hulksalot was going to be following me all night, so I wasn’t sure how it would be possible for me to do anything other thanbehave.

The word still scalded my insides.

My hands were trembling and I fisted them, hating how I was desperate for one of my pills. I’d let myself go comatose basically for two days after Marco, and then I’d flushed the rest of them down the toilet.

I was certainly regretting that decision right now.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped outside, where unfortunately my guard was waiting for me.

“What’s your name?” I asked, sick of making up names for him in my head—even though he was such a caricature it was far easier to do than it should have been.

“Toby,” he finally said, after a long exaggerated pause, like he wasn’t sure if he should text Jolette for permission first.

I didn’t tell him it was nice to officially meet him. Because that would have been a lie.

Toby led me to the gardens through the back way, a route that avoided the main arteries of the hotel. We stepped outside and I smiled, because the set up was fucking gorgeous.

A large white tent stood in an open area, its billowing fabric shimmering in the soft glow of the setting sun. The tent was adorned with delicate drapes and floral garlands, and twinkling lights hung from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting radiance upon the guests already teeming inside of it. The tables were meticulously arranged on one end, covered with crisp white linens and adorned with centerpieces of fresh flowers in shades of soft pink and ivory. At the other end of the tent, a small stage had been set up for live music. A talented band played soft, melodic tunes that filled the air. The sound of laughter and conversation floated on the breeze.

It was very fairytale-esque.

If those were to actually exist.

I turned to stare at Toby, suddenly desperate to have a night of normalcy. Although he was probably going to tell Jolette that I was doing this, and it was going to bite me in the ass.

It was still worth a try.

“Look, as you can see I’m not in any danger out here, at this private party…if I give you a thousand dollars…and promise not to say anything, can you just wait for me upstairs?” I would have offered him more money, but that was my limit right now,what Jolette and Marco deigned to give me from my own fucking money.

He scoffed, like I’d insulted him with my offer.

“I’ll give you my rolex. It’s a collector’s edition, owned by Darius Jane herself,” I spit out, feeling sick as I did so. Darius Jane was my musical idol. She’d died tragically in her prime from an overdose. I’d thought her life mirrored mine, and it had been one of my first purchases once I’d started making real money.

“You are fucking crazy,” Toby said, as he extended his hand out for the watch.


“You have to stay away all weekend,” I pressed insistently, “and report to them that everything’s fine.”

“You’ve got it,” he said greedily, eyeing the watch.

I handed it to him and he all but ran away, probably thinking I’d come to my senses and ask for it back.

Maybe I was losing my mind.

“Liv!” Maddie whisper-yelled from nearby, and I turned, watching as her gaze darted around dramatically, like she was trying to keep me a secret even though her voice was definitely too loud for that. She threw her arms around me and gave me one of her trademark squeals.

“I’m so fucking glad you’re here!” she purred. Maddie glanced over her shoulder. “Harley, get your delectable butt over here. She’s here!” She motioned frantically at Harley who was talking to a group of very well-built men that I would take bets were from his team.

The asses on hockey players could not be beat.

I watched, a little confused when Harley froze at Maddie’s comment, and then seemed to take his time walking over to us.

“Hi cuz,” he grinned…but the way he said it…seemed a little frostier than usual. I attributed it to nerves as he slung an armaround me and gave me a squeeze. But Maddie was studying him too, looking as confused about the general vibe he was throwing off as I was.

“Everything okay, baby?” she asked, watching as Harley’s gaze danced around the garden like he was looking for someone.
