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I sighed patiently, because honestly…a little thing like a door wasn’t going to keep me from her.

I’d swiped a card from a maid’s cart yesterday…just in case my original plan didn’t work. And it was certainly going to come in handy right now.

Her eyes were comically wide as I walked in. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, biting down on that damn bottom lip again.

“What? How!” she exclaimed, her mouth wide, like a beautiful little guppy fish.

“I want to be with you.” I said roughly. “I want you to give me a fucking chance.”

Olivia remained wide-eyed…and wide-mouthed.

I wanted to make a joke that I could put something in her mouth if she wanted and immediately cursed Ari Lancaster—because that washisinfluence.

I was a gentleman, damnit!

She finally scoffed at me like I’d said something crazy.

“Oh you mean besides the obvious that I don’t have any control of my fucking life?”

“I can help you with that,” I insisted.


Hope was a dangerous thing. I’d said that before.

And there was nothing more hopeful feeling than the sight of Walker Davis as he stood in front of me right now. Telling me he wanted to be with me.

That he wanted…me.

Just thinking of the conservatorship left a bitterness on my tongue, but he was clearly not understanding the reality of my life. "Everything about my life is suffocating, my mother and my agent control every aspect of my existence. I have no freedom, no autonomy. I'm a puppet, trapped in an ivory tower unless I give them what they want."

When he didn’t say anything…I continued on.

"And then there's the paparazzi," I continued, my voice trembling with pent-up frustration. "Two years ago they hounded me day and night, invaded every shred of privacy I had. They made up lies about me, and there was no one to stop them. I just had to put on a smile and pretend that it meant nothing to me when they called me a druggie, and a slut, and everything else." I glanced away because this was when he was going to leave.

“And some of those things they weren’t wrong about,” I whispered.

I snuck a look at Walker, noting the way his jaw was tightened with anger, the way his hands were clenching into fists at his sides.

"And if all of those weren’t enough reasons why you should run from thestrangeryou’ve spent two nights with…you should think about yourself.” The words caught in my throat. "You deserve someone who can give you everything, not just shattered pieces."

“Can I talk now?” he asked, his voice so gentle…and caring…that a piece of my armor chipped away. “I feel like I’ve been searching for something real, darlin’, for a long fucking time. And I don’t know how to explain it…but when I met you that night. I found myreal.”

My nose scrunched because I didn’t understand…I didn’t understand how things could be happening so quickly.

I’d always been told you shouldn’t trust something that rises too fast.

And this thing between us…it was moving like lightning.

“How do you do that?” I whispered, staring up at him in wonder.

“What?” he asked, leaning over and kissing away the tear that had been falling down my cheek.

“How do you make me feel like nothing bad’s ever happened to me…like I’ve never been broken before?”

He gazed at me, his expression unfathomable, a tic in his cheek like he was trying to hold himself in. “You make me feel like that too. Like now that I have you, all the sad things are gone. Like now that I’ve got you, all the bad things don’t exist anymore.”

He brushed a kiss against my lips.
