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As Maddie's other bridesmaids bustled around the room, I couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. Maddie, who’d been over the moon all weekend…was acting strangely twitchy, her movements distracted and strange.

“Are you okay?” I whispered, and she nodded, biting down on her lip in a very worried looking way. Her leg was tapping a million miles an hour underneath her gorgeous dress, and I gently touched her knee, trying to calm her down.

“Can you come into the bathroom with me?” Maddie suddenly asked, her voice suspiciously loud as she grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the door.

As soon as we got inside, she locked the door behind her, her gaze darting around the room like someone was hiding inside here with us.

"What's going on?" I asked, concern lacing my voice as I studied her pale face.

Maddie took a deep breath, her hands shaking as she met my gaze. "I took a pregnancy test this morning," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. " was positive."

My heart skipped a beat at her words, I was completely shocked.

I also was…jealous.

That was a weird thing to think.

I realized she was waiting for me to say something. “You’re going to be a mom,” I whispered, my eyes getting all watery with the weird emotions I was feeling. I was so happy for her. Harley and her were going to be the best parents.

But I was also feeling a little sad for me.

No matter how much Walker thought this was going to work, there was no way I was going to be having a family while I was under the conservatorship.

I reached out to her, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. "And I’m going to be a freaking aunt," I squealed. “A cousin aunt,” I amended, as I thought about the family semantics.

She laughed, but it sounded hollow.

"Are you okay? How does Harley feel about it?"

Maddie let out a shaky laugh, the sound tinged with uncertainty. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her eyes clouded with worry. "When I told him, he got really pale and quiet. I can't tell if he's happy or not."

I hugged her tighter. “I’m sure he’s thrilled. Harley wants everything with you. He was probably so excited, he was trying not to pass out.”

“Oh, I think he was definitely about to pass out,” she snorted. “He was literally shaking…and then I left the room.”

“You left the room?”

“I was scared,” she whispered. “I didn’t know what he was going to say. I kept him waiting for so long. I gave him so much crap when he just wanted to marry me. I’m afraid that this is going to be too much.”

Just as she said that, there was a knock on the door.

“Yes?” Maddie called, her voice a little high-pitched.

“It’s me,” a voice called.

I cringed, because unfortunately the voice belonged to Carlie, her maid of honor. I’d never liked the girl. There was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way, something fake and insincere that made my skin crawl.

“Come in,” Maddie said, straightening up and wiping at her eyes.

Carlie breezed into the room with a saccharine smile plastered on her pretty face, her gaze flickering over us with a hint of curiosity. "Hey, girls," she chirped, her voice too bright to be genuine. "How's everything going?"

Maddie forced a smile, her eyes still red from crying. "We're fine, Carlie," she replied, her tone surprisingly clipped. "Just catching up before the wedding."

Carlie didn't seem to notice the tension in the air, her gaze lingering on Maddie for a moment. “You’re not second guessing anything…are you?”

For some reason, she didn’t sound too upset about the idea of that.

I bit back a sarcastic retort, forcing myself to let Maddie handle it since I barely knew Carlie.
