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"And though the distance may divide us,

And time may steal our days,

I'll keep holding onto hope,

In this tangled maze."

The words flowed effortlessly from my lips as I sang of love and longing, of heartache and redemption. It was easier to sing when I pretended like it was just us, and I was sharing a piece of my heart with him.

The only piece I had to give.

The final chords rang out, and the crowd erupted into applause, their cheers bringing me back to reality and the fact that I was playing to a sold out crowd…and not just Walker.

But that moment was enough to keep me going.

A few songs later and I wasdone, the final notes of my last song fading away and the applause filling the air. I offered a shaky smile and a quick wave to the crowd before darting off the stage. The adrenaline that had fueled me through the performance began to ebb away, replaced by a gnawing sense of unease that clawed at my insides.

With each step, the panic rose within me like a tidal wave threatening to engulf me. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath coming in short, shallow gasps as I fought to hold myself together long enough to make it to my dressing room.

The corridors of the backstage area blurred around me as I stumbled forward, my vision swimming with a dizzying haze. I could feel the walls closing in on me, suffocating me with their oppressive weight.

I burst into my dressing room and slammed the door behind me…just in time for my panic attack to hit me with full force. My knees buckled beneath me, and I sank to the ground in a trembling heap, the world spinning wildly around me.

I clutched at my chest, my fingers digging into the fabric of my dress as I struggled to draw in a lungful of air. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t regain control.

I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the panic to subside, but it only seemed to grow stronger with each passing second. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, hot and bitter against my skin.

And then…he was there…


His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me close, and immediately a sense of peace thrummed in my heart. His chest rose and fell with the steady rhythm of his breathing, and I found solace in the warmth of his embrace.

And suddenly, everything didn’t seem so bad anymore. Like somehow he was my own personal…good thing.

I turned in his embrace and buried my face in his chest as the tears streamed down my cheeks. I couldn’t even find it in myself to be embarrassed at how I was acting.

"Shh," he whispered softly, his palm cradling my head, his voice a soothing balm to my shattered nerves. "It's okay, Liv. You're okay."

I clung to him tighter, my body trembling against him. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me,” I choked out, refusing to let go of him.

“It’s the adrenaline, you’re not used to it. And on that scale. Fuck, angel. That was incredible. Insane. But incredible. I’ve never seen a crowd like that.”

I was still shaking, but at least my heart didn’t feel like it was going to beat out of my chest anymore. Instead…something else was taking over.

Something that felt a lot like…lust.

Before I could think too hard, I lifted my head and pressed my lips against his. He didn’t respond for a second and a throb of panic lanced through me.

“I’m sorry,” I choked out, moving my head away. I’m sure he was experiencing the worst kind of whiplash from me right now.

“I don’t want to take advantage of you—” he started and I shook my head, reaching between us to rub against his already hard dick.

“I need you,” I told him, totally aware of how desperate I sounded.

“Fuck. I’m going to hell,” he growled, but his lips crashed against mine as he lifted me, forcing me to wrap my legs around him.

Walker’s fingers pushed under my dress, sliding up my leg and along the edges of the shorts I was wearing to make sure no one in the crowd saw something under my dress that they shouldn’t.
