Page 40 of Unbroken Embrace

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“Floating in the lake?”

“In my defense, I didn’t know Lago meant lake.”

They laughed, holding each other tightly.

“Can this really be our lives?” she asked, her ear pressed to his chest, listening to his heart beat. “We don’t deserve all of this.”

“Maybe we don’t,” Harry whispered as he as he gestured toward Nathaniel. “But he does and maybe we’ll all be better for it.”

There might not have been a better sentence ever uttered in her presence. The love that welled inside of her was nearly too much. She felt as though she’d burst if he weren’t holding her together.

“You haven’t actually asked me to marry you yet,” she said, drawing in a deep breath.

“Oh right,” Harry replied, slapping a hand playfully to his forehead. “I knew I was forgetting something. Rose,” he said, dropping to one knee. “With all these people as my witness and in the shadow of the lake of vegetables, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

“Yes,” she said as the ring slipped on to her finger. “We’ll get married here. I’ll carry a dozen carrots and wear a crown of lettuce.”

She’d forgotten how it felt to laugh so effortlessly. To have a bit and a partner to carry on with. Even if she didn’t deserve this life, she wasn’t going to waste it. There was room here to be the mother she always wanted to be. The mother she always wanted to have. She could pay forward what had been done for her without ever having to look over her shoulder. Harry’s love would be her anchor. Nathaniel’s joy would be her wings. And Verde Lago would be her home.
