Page 134 of Claim & Don't Tell

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Brady grabs me and tugs me into his lap, nuzzling my neck. “If you want to go, we’re going. We can ride the Ferris wheel as much as you want. I’ll even buy you cotton candy.”

“The pink kind?” I chew on my cheek and watch as Austin grins. I thought he might hate cotton candy.

Brady nods. “We’ll buy every flavor, and I think Dylan can even win you a stuffed animal.”

“Try five.” Dylan drops his gaming remote onto the coffee table and stands to stretch. “Well? What are we waiting for?”

The amusement parkis dingier than I remember, but even still, the flashing lights, the kids squealing in delight, the scent of fried food and spun sugar, it all hits me in a wave of nostalgia. Brady pays to get us all day passes and drags me over to the Ferris wheel, clutching my hand like he’s afraid I’ll run away.

There’s a small line, but it’s moving pretty quickly. The closer we get, I start to go up onto my toes to watch the guy load and secure people into the little gondolas. The paint is faded neon blues, pinks, yellows, and greens, but excitement still thrums through me.

The last time we were here, I had to go with our parents, and I’m pretty sure I pouted through the whole ride.

This is like a do-over.

A way to wipe the slate clean.

We’ve been doing that a lot lately. Drinks on the patio. The fancy dinner. All things I was never included in but now have a standing invitation to be a part of.

“We should make a special dinner tonight,” I say as the line moves forward. We’re still two gondolas from being loaded in. “Like a new tradition.” The guys trade looks, and Austin tips his head in consideration. “Or not. It’s fine if you don’t want to.”

Goddammit. Why do I always do that?

“You know,” Austin begins. “If you want something enough to ask for it, you should never try to diminish how much it means to you.”

“People pleasing until the day I die,” I say with a strained laugh.

Dylan nudges me. “So, you want a post-heat feast?”

“What do you want to eat?” Brady asks.

“She can have whatever she wants.”

I grin at Austin. “Thanks, Chef. I was thinking about shawarma.”

“Fuck, yes,” Dylan says. “I love shawarma.”

“We can order it from one of my favorite restaurants today, since it’s usually better to marinate it for a day or so,” Austin says, “but next time, we’ll be prepared.”

Next time. This isn’t a dream. They’re here and real and my next heat will be with them. Beaming, I hug him. The attendant clears his throat, and we all look at him. We’d missed the line moving, and he pointedly looks at the Ferris wheel.

“Right, sorry!” I rush forward and take the seat farthest away from the opening. Dylan shoves Austin out of the way and takes the spot beside me. Austin and Brady glare at him but take the other two spots without too much complaint. There’s a little table between us, and the bucket rocks slightly as the ride begins.

I turn as we rise, gazing across the glittering ocean. The park is situated just off the beach, and we have the perfect view of the water on the ride. It’s so breathtaking—always bigger than I can comprehend—and comforting. Our beach supplies are back in the car in the parking lot a few blocks away, and I can’t wait to get into the water with my guys.

Maybe Brady will even come in.

I smile as a briny breeze rushes over us, resting my chin on my arm and watching the water.

The ride is over sooner than I’d like, and it isn’t until I turn around that I realize how quiet the guys have been.

“What?” I ask as they stare at me.

“It’s good to see you happy,” Brady murmurs.

Austin and Dylan nod, the latter linking his fingers with mine as we wait to be let off.

“It just feels like I can breathe for the first time in a long time. Like, maybe, everything will be okay.”
