Page 142 of Claim & Don't Tell

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The shock of his words hit me in the gut. I’ve been by his side for years, not as long as Mia, but I’ve been his righthand for a long time. He turns away from me and starts barking demands. The line scurries to obey, and I clench my fists.

I’ve been dismissed.

Fired from a Michelin star restaurant. Fuck, that won’t bode well for my resume.

For the first time in my life, I’ve been run out of a kitchen. I keep my head high, hating how much it crushes my pride to make the walk of shame. Mia mumbles an apology beforerushing out with tears on her face. Grimacing, I take my things and head home.

Fucking Mr. Mosley.

Honey,musk, touches of vanilla. I close the front door and lean against it, breathing in. The tension in my shoulders slowly fades, but the anxious thoughts continue swimming in my head and gut. What am I going to do?

Quinn comes into the foyer. She’s wearing soft shorts that show off her thighs and a tank top that showcases those pretty tits, but it’s the twinkle in her eyes when she sees me that makes my heart jump. That’s my mate.

“Whoa, you’re back early.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “It’s been a night,” I tell her.

“What happened?”

“Mr. Mosley showed up.”

She sucks in a breath. “What did he do?”

“Caused trouble.” I shake my head. “I got fired,” I admit with a deep frown, lines burrowing into my skin.

“No.” Quinn rushes over and cups my face. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

I stare into her beautiful eyes, watching them flood with concern and self blame. “This isn’t your fault.”

“Whatever Mr. Mosley did, he did it because of me.”

“He did it because he’s an asshole,” I tell her, grabbing her wrists and kissing the palms of her hands. “Don’t blame yourself for his actions. He’s out of control.”

She searches my face. “What are you going to do?”

I shrug. “Try to find another high-end restaurant to take me.” Marquis has a lot of connections, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get into any of the well-paying positions.

“What about the food truck?”

My eyebrows jump. “That’s a dream.”

She chews on her lip, considering me for a moment. “What if it wasn’t?”

“What do you mean?”

“I might’ve done something,” she says quickly, tugging out of my arms and racing into the kitchen.

I follow after her, heart heavy with defeat. I really enjoyed working at The Crystal Chandelier. It gave me my confidence and taught me so much. Getting fired almost feels like I’ve lost a part of myself.

Papers are spread across the counter, and she gathers them up. “I was going to surprise you in a few days, but Brady and Dylan helped me figure out all the requirements and forms to file for your license and...” She glances at the stack in her hand. “I sort of started the paperwork.” She hands me the papers. “Only the basics, though. The name and all that is up to you.”

“Quinn,” I say, choking up. All of this is more than I would’ve done for myself. It’s too risky. There’s no way to control the outcome or ensure the success of the business. The gesture, though, her believing in my wild idea so much to get this all organized, warms my heart. I tear my gaze away from the paper, looking at my omega. “This is so sweet, but I don’t have a truck.”

“Well,” she says, twisting her mouth to the side.

“What did you do?”

“Brady and Dylan might be on their way to pick one up? It’s not new or anything, but it’s in great shape, and Brady offered to pay for it with cash, so you won’t have a payment on that, and I know it might be overstepping, but we all knew you wouldn’tdo it unless we pushed you, so...” She trails off and waves her hands at her sides. “Surprise!”
