Page 154 of Claim & Don't Tell

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The smile on my face is so wide, my cheeks hurt. “I’m seeing it. Good thinking, tipping off the news stations.”

“Thanks. Oh, they’re calling my number.” He’s finishing up the final paperwork and creating an LLC for his food truck.

“Good luck!”

“See you soon.”

Hanging up, I set the phone on the coffee table and watch as Mosley is loaded into the car and the reporter gives a brief rundown of what he’s being charged with.

A knock sounds from the front door. I head to let in my bestie. She eyes me like I’ve betrayed her as she steps inside.

“Bitch...” She trails off and looks around. “God, I wish I had stepbrothers.”

I giggle and pull her past the door and shut it. “So, yeah. Like I mentioned. I’m moving in.”

She sniffs. “And fucking them, no less.” Her gaze drops to where my marks are hidden under my shirt. “Is this the real thing?” she whispers.

I didn’t tell her the whole story over text. It didn’t feel right. Plus, I needed to see her reaction to confirm she doesn’t hate me for finding my scent matches when she still hasn’t found hers.

“It’s the real thing,” I say with a grin. She studies my face, then breaks out into a beaming smile and tackles me in a hug. I exhale in relief.

“Holy shit, this is insane! How long have you known? Wait, how long have they known? Did they know when I came over?”She pulls back and shakes me. “Why aren’t you talking? Speak woman, speak!”

Laughing, I wiggle out of her hold. “I’ll tell you everything, but first, coffee.”

She nods. “Mmm. Good idea, oh wise one. Caffeine, then cocks.”

Two hourslater and close to lunchtime, we’ve discussed every little detail. All the painful ones. I might’ve cried once or twice, but so did she. She’s facing me on the couch, and we’re sharing a big blanket.

“I’m so jealous,” she admits. “But I’m happy for you, really. I was a little worried about you.”


“Because you were fading, Quinn. You put on a good show, but I don’t think it’s good for an omega to hide her scent indefinitely. It’s a huge part of who we are.”

I chew on my cheek, glancing away. “Yeah, I guess I was just scared, you know?”

“Well, yeah, after what your dads did, it makes sense. I hope their balls fall off.”

“Gross.” I shake my head but can’t help wishing them some ill will. “But like I said, I’m done letting them hurt me. That chapter of my life is closed. Besides, my stepdads are great.”

She nods. “They really are.”

“Okay, enough about me. What’s going on with you?”

“Well.” She blows out a breath. “I don’t know. The marketing job is...okay, but the company is boring. Working for a company that manages 401(k)s isn’t fun, go figure.”

“Maybe you’d do better with some type of up-and-coming business?”

“Too unstable,” she says with a shake of her head. “I want stability, but if I have to make one more brochure about contributions and disbursements, I’ll stab my eyes out.”

“Wow, okay. Well, I can ask the guys if they know anybody looking for someone with marketing experience.”

“Maybe I should’ve gone the numbers route,” she ruminates.

I burst out laughing. “Please, Daria. You and I both know you hated accounting and finance.”

She side-eyes me. “Yeah, yeah. Not all of us get off on debits and credits or interest rates, okay?”
