Page 72 of Claim & Don't Tell

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Marching to his bed, I dump the bundle of blankets onto the mattress. Tears splash onto the material, creating fresh circles of dampness. I glare at the water spots.

Fuck him. Fuck him.Fuck him.

Unable to stand how richly scented his room is, I leave, heading to shower and wash as much of him off my skin as I can, but even I know water can’t remove the mark.

It’s permanent.

A reminder of the mistake we made.



I’m halfway down the stairs when I hear her scream. My heart stops beating, and I suck in a ragged breath, listening to the agony. Her pain clamps around my throat, choking me. I grip the banister to keep from turning around. My fingers dig into the wood until it creaks in protest.

It’s wrong to leave her.

It’s horrible and shitty and awful.

But I force myself to stay away.

This time, I’m able to fight my instincts, a feat that was impossible when I scented her slick. Her hair was still wet from a shower when I’d gotten home. That robe was so short, so tight around her body. Her eyes wide and hungry. Needy.

And her scent.

Fuck, I would happily drown in it.

Trying to focus during that call with my dad was impossible. Then Gwen mentioned the date and I...I couldn’t handle it. It took everything I had to wait for her to hang up the phone. And then something primal took over. I tried to fight it, but I’d been denying that urge for too long. She smelled too tempting. And she wanted everything I offered.

She wanted me.

She craved me.

She begged for me.

For once, I let myself have everything I want. I let myself embrace the desire that’s been building for years. Quinn felt perfect in my arms. Her keens and whines will haunt me for the rest of my life, and her touch, the way she looked at me, as if I was something good.

Someone worth loving.

And I fucking left, like it meant nothing. I don’t deserve that kindness from her. I don’t deserve her love. My chest aches until it feels like my ribs are being torn open. It’s better this way. It has to be. Even as I tell myself the lies, I know it’s wrong. Nothing is better. Everything is horribly fucked up.

I was supposed to be the strong one.

I was supposed to protect everyone.

And all I’ve done is destroy Quinn.

The door opens, revealing that night has fallen, and it’s then I realize I’ve been on the stairs for a long time. Austin and Dylan are grinning at each other as they walk in. Any moment now, they’ll know. My muscles tense.

How have I fucked up so badly?

Austin scents it first. His smile slips away, and his head whips around, catching me on the stairs. Then Dylan frowns, tipping his head and inhaling.

I swallow as I watch them realize the secret I’ve been keeping from them for years. The secret they came close to discovering nights ago. I told them to leave it alone. I told them nothing mattered but that we were family and it could never be. I watch as they stare at me, eyebrows drawn, fists clenched, jaws ticking. I watch as the betrayal sinks into their skin.

“I can explain,” I finally rasp.

Then Quinn’s sobs float down the stairs. Austin reels back, like he’s been slapped, but Dylan... Dylan’s eyes narrow on me, and he takes a deadly step forward.
