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For a brief moment, I saw him as a normal guy, perhaps a little goofy rather than an assassin. This was just a fantasy, a dream, but I felt myself falling deeper into it.

The tension between us crackled, fueled by the lingering scent of sex and sweat. I lay there, nestled in his arms, listening to his steady heartbeat. It occurred to me that we had just shared something intensely intimate, something neither of us could ever undo.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out suddenly. "I shouldn't have kissed you. This is wrong."

I couldn't bring myself to look at him now, fearing that if I did, I might find myself lost in those mesmerizing golden-brown eyes once more.

"Why?" Sasuke asked, brushing a stray curl from my cheek. "You enjoyed it - we both did."

A chill ran down my spine at the memory of the intense passion we'd shared. I swallowed nervously, unable to tear my gaze away from his handsome face. "But you kidnapped me," I protested weakly.

"That was necessary," he replied calmly. "Remember, you're just my key to getting to Harris. We fucked. Don't complicate things."

My heart twinged at his words. "Right..." I said, masking my disappointment. "Well, let's get going."

I was stupid for thinking that he was starting to fall for me. I couldn't fall in love with my captor either, I told myself. This was just a one-time thing. A lack of self-control on both of our parts.

It most certainly was not going to happen again.

Chapter twelve



Our run-down bungalow lookedeven more depressing now that Sasuke's sleek black rental car was parked outside. A car that nice was going to attract unwanted attention or, at worse, get stolen.

"Are you sure we should be here?" I asked, suddenly doubting my plan.

Sasuke frowned. "You're the one who made a big deal about checking in with your mom."

I held back a growl in my throat. Of course, I wanted to check in with my mother. She probably thought something terriblehad happened to me, and she wouldn't be totally wrong.Her daughter had been abducted by a Japanese gangster who was plotting to kill her sister's ex-boyfriend. It sounded like a movie, not real life.

"Well, come on then," I said, moving to the porch. I felt like I had to knock, even though it was my own home. I shook the feeling off and turned the doorknob to find it unlocked.

"Mom?" I called out.

There was a beat of silence before I heard my mother gasp. "Julia!" She came scurrying out of the living room, still wearing the same set of pajamas she'd been wearing when I left for work over a day ago.

Her eyes widened as she saw Sasuke standing behind me. "What the--how did you...where did I thought you were dead!" She spluttered, stammering over her words.

"It's ok, Mom. He's an old friend," I lied smoothly.

My mother looked unconvinced, but I could see her visibly relax. After all, I looked completely unharmed."Where were you?" She demanded, her voice trembling. "I thought... I thought..."

"Sorry, Mom, things got a little crazy last night. But I'm home. I'm here."

My mother fell into me, and I hugged her tight. She felt so frail and cold. Her words broke my heart.

"I thought I lost you, too."My mother spoke softly, clinging to me tighter.

"Oh, I'm definitely not going anywhere," I reassured her, returning her embrace.

I released her and gestured to Sasuke. "Mom, this is Sasuke. Sasuke, this is my mom, Sandra."

Mary scrutinized Sasuke carefully, raising her eyebrows as she sized him up. "Pleasure," she said hesitantly.

Sasuke gave a curt nod.
