Page 22 of Devil's Debt

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What was it Livvie said?

I put my hand on Hadrion’s chest, and he glances down at where I’m touching him, his eyes narrowing.

“I’ve got this,” I murmur, barely audible under the music, and he goes still.

“Can I get you a drink on the house, sir?” I offer him with a smile, as an older woman, with that melted-plastic look across her face that screams ‘had work done’, comes up and snuggles into his side.

“Pookie,” she whines at him, “I’m bored.” Her voice is grating and high-pitched.

“Let me get you a bottle of our best,” I say, ducking down and grabbing a bottle of some mid-level champagne, peeling the foil off quickly.

“Yes,” the man says, and grins at me, and it’s not a friendly grin. “And keep it coming. You’re a pretty thing.”

I swallow hard, and pop the cork, pouring out two glasses and sliding them across the bar. The woman shrieks with delight, grabbing it, and before her man can say anything, she’s dragging him off into the crowd, sparkling glass held high. Hadrion is a looming presence behind me, and I can’t tell if he disapproves or he’s glad I diffused the situation.

“Nicely handled,” he says finally, and his voice is low and soft, and he’s so close I can feel the warmth radiating off of him. It makes me shiver, and I’m not entirely sure why. “If anyone ever puts their hands on you again, don’t hesitate, Katy. I will handle it. Do you understand me?”

I turn toward him and nod. He’s so serious, his gaze searching mine.

“I’ve got it,” I say to him. “It’s not worse than anything I ever experienced before.”

He exhales, a dark frown on his face.

“You will see things here that make your past life pale in comparison,” he says, cryptic. “Monster lurk beneath the skins of every man in here.” his voice is lush and intense, and I have to look away, break the spell. It’s too much. My gaze slides over to where his friend Falcon sits at the table, silent amidst the chatterof his companions. “Yes,” Hadrion says, even closer this time. I don’t turn to look at him. I know he’s right next to me, his mouth inches from my ear. “Even him.”

I let out a shaking breath, but before I can say anything, his hand wraps around my wrist, going so tight around it, it’s nearly painful.

“Yes, even me.” His voice is a rumble, and the warmth of his breath brushes my neck, sending a cascade of shivers up and down my spine. “I’m not a good man, Katy. I do good things, but I am not a good man.”

With that, he lets me go, and his warmth disappears. When I look up again, he’s down the bar, greeting a patron like an old friend with a giant hug. His eye catches mine, and I can see it, golden, shadowed, like burnished, patina’d bronze.

I am not a good man.

He has to be lying, holding up a tough facade, because what kind of bad man would rescue a girl like me, an absolute nothing like me, and thrust me up in the world like he has?

No. He has to be a good man.

My heart aches at the thought.

“You’re staring.” Livvie is suddenly there, and I jerk, surprised. She’s got a knowing grin on her face, and a tray in her hand, and I can’t quite read her expression. She doesn’t sound accusatory, though.

“Sorry,” I reply, and look away, feeling my cheeks flame.

“Hey,” she says softly, “It’s fine. Everyone falls in love with him a little at the beginning.” She nudges me. “You better go on yourbreak, though. Put your feet up. It’s going to be a long night.”

“Katy,”a voice is saying, and a hand on my shoulder gently shakes me. “Katy.”

“Hmmm?” I sit up and rub my eyes, a yawn stretching my mouth wide. Oh god. Did I fall asleep?

“Your shift is over. Let’s get you upstairs.” Hadrion is standing next to the desk in the office where I clearly fell asleep in one of the chairs, his hands shoved into the pockets of his trousers. I can’t read his expression, but it doesn’t matter. All I can think about is how embarrassed I am.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” I mumble, and he offers his hand. I take it and let him help me to my feet.

“Don’t worry about it,” he says, and smiles. He doesn’t seem mad. He seems... affectionate, somehow. Like he’s glad that I fell asleep in the office and he’s happy to wake me up and put me to bed. “Let’s get you upstairs.”

His hand is on the back of my shoulder, as he walks with me up the stairs, the quiet falling down around me the further we go. We don’t pass anyone on the way up, and then he’s leading me toward his apartment, his key card unlocking the door. He opens it, and I stumble in.

“You didn’t eat dinner,” he says, and his voice is disapproving. “Elenora told me that you barely picked at it.”
