Page 47 of Reaching Limits

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“Just into town, I remembered that I told Fiona I’d help out at the guest house today.”

“I’ll give ya a ride.” He smiles as if nothing’s wrong, and all I can think about are the lashes on his back and wonder how he thinks he can hide them from me.

“No,” I shake my head. “Your uncle Jimmer is at Wade and Leia’s place helping out. You should be there too. He doesn’t come into town often.”

“I can do that once I’ve dropped you off,” he insists. “Come on, hop in.”

“Cole.” I give him a warning look.

“Clipping your wings, right?” He rolls his eyes at me.

“Exactly.” I kiss his cheek. “I’ll take Maisie’s truck. I hated driving this thing.” Moving around him I squeal when he drags me back.

“I wasn’t gonna let you drive it again anyway.” He slaps a kiss on my cheek before he jumps behind the wheel. “I’ll see ya later, red.” He smiles at me convincingly and it breaks my heart that he’s still hurting himself.

“See ya later.” I head over to Maisie’s truck and drive out the yard, knowing what I’m doing is risky and will undoubtedly make him mad, but this family need answers, and there's only one man who has them.

“You better tell me what the fuck you know about that property out on the west road.” I pin Noah Wylde up by his tee after storming through the door to his lake house.

“Cole, good to see ya.” He smiles at me sarcastically. Not seeming at all scared.

“Speak.” I slam his head hard against the kitchen cabinet behind him.

“Relax, there ain’t no fuckin’ secret in it.” I ease my grip and step back, waiting on his explanation.

“Harvey owns it, it used to belong to his wife's parents, he’s kinda sentimental about the place.” Noah shrugs like it ain’t a big deal.

“Sarah Hendricks is his wife.”

“She’s his dead wife,” Noah corrects me.

“And you pay the old man to watch the home of his dead wife's parents?” I try and make it make sense.

“I may wear the brand, Cole, but don’t forget why I came to this town in the first place. Love it or hate, I work for Harvey Marston.”

“Your job was to protect the Mayor and do what needed to be done to keep his hands clean,” I remind him of what he’s always told us.

“My job is to do what Harvey tells me to do and that was what he told me I had to do here. But Harvey was very adamant that it was to stay between us. Which makes me wonder how you know about it…” He looks suspicious.

“Why didn’t you tell us about it? You wear the fuckin’ brand. Branded men don’t keep secrets from each other.” I raise my voice. It took me a long time to get on board with trusting this kid and the thought of him betraying us makes me furious.

“Honestly, I didn’t think it was relevant. Marston has property all over the country. It’s just a fuckin’ house.”

“It’s a fuckin’ house that Walker used to take my sister to.” I slam my palm into one of the chairs and send it flying across the room.

“Nah, Walker never knew about the place. I told ya, Harvey didn’t want anyone to know about it, not even him.”

“I spoke to your caretaker, Noah, he told me that Walker was taking my sister to that place. He must have been taking care of it before you or summit.”

“Cole, the man who was lookin’ after that house before me, is dead.” He leans into me and lowers his voice. “I know because I killed him.” He smiles sadistically.

“What ain’t you telling us, Noah? Who the fuck are ya? Kids your age don’t just turn up in a town like this, working for an organization like Harvey’s. Where the fuck did you come from?”

I furrow my brow and dare him to lie to me.

“None of that matters, what matters is that I’m loyal to you. What more do I have to do to prove that to you?” The kid squares up to me.

“I want the truth.” I stare at him blankly.
