Page 17 of Runaway Pride

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Ryan had kept his end of the bargain; Charlie hadn’t heardfrom their mother for the entire week, but she wondered what trouble Ryan got himself in to accomplish that feat.

Charlie wore a pastel pink halter dress with sashes around her neck and waist, and entered Evergreen Cove, a club frequented by her family and friends.. It was a social status, an identity for the group she grew up with. There was a community, and everyone had a relationship with each other to varying degrees.

People mingled with each other in games of golf or tennis. There was a private gym that offered valet and spa services. There was a dress code. Men had to have collared shirts at all times and could only change into sportswear inside the gym. Jeans were discouraged for anyone. Women were expected to dress semi-formally, even though there were no set rules.

Charlie had it all down and made it a habit to keep herself in tip-top shape around her peers. Today, she was going to show them she would not let what happened put a damper on her spirit.

She went straight to the cafe for brunch, ignoring the people in the courtyard. Pushing inside, she caught the waves of hands when she entered and smiled at the three women already seated at their usual table.

“Charlie, yourhair…”

“Hello, ladies. I hope you didn’t wait long.” Charlie sat and placed her white bag down, then swiped her hair away from her shoulders, only to have it swing back to her front.

Aera gaped at her with observant eyes, quiet and reserved. She looked radiant with her hair in a tight French braid dressed in her ruffle hem swing cocktail dress. Next to her sat Gisele Choi, a friend who owned a local bookshop. Gisele was kind, despite being superficial and incredibly nosy. The longer her face stretched meant the more dirt she had on everyone.

Married to a pediatrician, Gisele was childless and had too much free time. Her freakishly round eyes asked too many questions, and her nose smelled everything. Elegant in her violet maxidress and her hair in a neat updo, her curious gaze fell on Charlie like a predator.

Next to Gisele was Eunice Wu, mother of three boys. She was also currently six months pregnant with her fourth, a girl this time. Motherhood agreed with her, Charlie had to admit. Her husband owned half of the club, anyway, so there were plenty of resources to keep Eunice happy.

They first ordered. Charlie opting for a garden salad, Aera a poached salmon, Gisele an omelet, and Eunice went with baked sweet potatoes and eggs.

“So…?” Eunice prodded. “I have three hours before going back to the kids! Make my time worth it, lady.”

Charlie sighed. “I’m not married.”

Gisele narrowed her eyes, and Eunice frowned. Aera didn’t react.

“Well,duh. But what happened? Why did you leave? Was it Matt? Or his parents?” Gisele pressed. “It’s his parents, isn’t it? I heard they didn’t like you.”

“What?” Charlie glowered. “That’s not true.” Well, it was truenow. She was their favorite before last week.

“Then why? Matt was perfect! He’s a doctor, attractive,” Eunice said. “You two looked so good together!”

“Not everything is what it appears on the surface,” Charlie said. “We were good on paper, but I wasn’t happy. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with a man who doesn’t light me up.”

Eunice’s and Gisele’s eyes widened.

“So you wanted to belitup?” Gisele’s smile turned impish. “Matt doesn’t get you hot. That’s it, isn’t it?”

“Well…” Technically, yes. But she would not say that out loud. She promised Matt a civil and clean damage control. “Matt and I are like a candlelight in a tub after a long day at work.”

“But you want toburn.” Gisele’s tone was exaggerated, but she wasn’t wrong. “I get it. Wouldn’t it just be easier to… maybe watch some porn together or… I don’t know, go to a love motel to spice things up?”

Eunice snorted. “That’s your idea of spicing things up?”

“Well, do you have any other bright ideas?”

“It’s a bit of everything,” Charlie quipped. “What Matt and I have was nice, but it’s over. It’s time to move on with the things I want.”

“Whatdoyou want?” Eunice asked.

“I want to put my time on Springly. I want to take more trips with my girlfriends,” she winked at her friends. “And I want to fall in love like I’ve never known what love is.”

The bookstore owner cleared her throat none too subtly, her fox eyes focused on Charlie.

“Now that you’ve mentioned it. Is there something you’re not telling us?” Gisele asked without context.

“What do you mean?”
