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“I happened to think the beached whale look was extremely sexy.” Trey volleyed and Maybelle’s eyes tapered with disbelief.

“Well, lucky for you, you won't have to wait too much longer to witness that show again.”

The joy expanding in Trey’s chest was almost cause for dizziness as his sweet wife placed one hand over her barely swollen belly.A secret announcement Trey was quaking to share with their family after the ceremony.Hell, he was a blessed man.

Lost in the blissful moment, Maybelle and Trey were oblivious to the suggestive ruckus happening in the closet next to them until the door came crashing open, startling the bride and groom away from their explorations of each other’s bodies, like two teens caught red handed.

Chad Larson came stumbling out, his collared shirt unbuttoned, pants falling down his thighs revealing white Calvin Klein briefs, blonde hair messy and an equally disheveled Madelyn falling out after him.

“Really? Y’all couldn’t wait til tonight?” Trey asked, hismocking accusation falling light.

Larson spun to face him, his glazed over eyes inspecting the bride and groom before buttoning his pants at the waist, “Yeah, and what are you two doing out here unchaperoned? Chatting about the weather?” He asked, his slanted smile taking on a knowing glint.

Trey snorted, waving off the couple that can’t seem to get enough of one another but even after all these years, haven’t managed to slap a label on it. The only “label” they would accept wasroommatesbecause for the last few years since Maybelle and Penny moved out of the dorm apartment Madelyn had moved in with Chad in the city while finishing out school.

“Those two, I swear.” Maybelle sighed and Trey chuckled.

“Well, I guess that’s the last of the people we were waiting on. As soon as they make it to the planning room Penn is going to send a search party after us.” Trey noted while Maybelle groaned.

“But things were just getting good.”

Trey was infatuated with this woman. His hand intertwined itself in hers as he kissed the back of her hand.

“I’ll make up for it tonight, promise.” His forest eyes held her blue, green as his kiss on her hand lingered.

“Well, in that case,” Maybelle started, lifting up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips, “Let’s get married.”
