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Eyes bright, Trey stared up at her, like he might be seeing her for the first time, “Wow, Mayhem, I do not know a whole ton about you, do I?”

His viridescent eyes remained glued on Maybelle while Trey adjusted his body and position until he stood directly in front of her. All he would have to do is take one step forward and her legs could wrap around his hips, her hands could tangle with those caramel curls and those lips…

Her head slowly bobbed as she tore her eyes from his lips, “I—I don’t make it very easy for people to get to know me.” She said softly.

This earned her an easy head shake of those damned caramel waves, “I can’t argue with that.”

Trey’s head turned to the floor, his brown hair toppling into his eyes as he peered up at her through dark, lowered lashes, a look that brought heat to her cheeks and belly. His gaze was so intense,stripping. If he kept looking at her like that, he might seeeverything. He might see every faulty, charred part of her broken character and it was a reality she could not risk.

Trey Turner, in all his perfection could not be let in, could not see the very innate bits of her heart because if he did, he may not ever look at her like this again. He would never look at her like she was someone worth seeing.

Maybelle could feel her vulnerable, fragile self crawling back into her nervous shell of comfort as she kicked off the counter, away from Trey, “Well, I better get this run over with.”

She tried to sidestep him, in an effort to run for the mother freaking hills, but as she moved Trey was already there, grasping her fingers. He gave her hand a slight tug that halted her retreat entirely and lured her eyes back to his.

Trey Turner had participated in a full conversation with her and now waspurposefullytouching her. This was officially the best day of Maybelle’s young life. She couldn’t help but lookback down at her short fingers entrapped in his large hands. Maybelle looked up at him, now having to tilt her head back to meet his gaze.

This moment,right here, was going to have at least three pages of her journal dedicated to explaining every intricate detail.

Trey grinned down at her, the action showing off his dimples, “Thank you for the amazing concert this morning.”

Maybelle grimaced and made to pull away, but he moved closer and held a little tighter to her fingers.

“Andthank you for sharing, I realize I have a lot more to learn about you, Mayhem.” Trey dropped her hand then but before she could try and take off again, he was grabbing for the zipper of her open sweater, locking the zipper into the teeth, and dragging it up to just over her chest. His stare was soheavyas he watched her body heave with each breath. Flicking up, his green eyes locked with hers, “And I plan to learn it all.” He promised in a gravelly tone.

Holy mother of pearl… that was by far the hottest thing that anyone had ever said to her, and that damned nickname was her new favorite. Maybe she would even consider legally changing her name to it.

Maybelle entirely lacked the focus and confidence, really, to say anything cute or flirty back so she did what she could manage. She smiled, no teeth, so as not to seem too eager but big enough to show just how happy that comment had made her.

Trey smiled back as his hands finally left the zipper of her sweater, allowing her to silently, robotically walk out the kitchen, out the front door, down the road and to the neighborhood park where she sat her ass in the grass with a giddy grin plastered to her face and squealed like the smitten fool she was.

4 I Love You Mom

For over an hour, that morning, Maybelle had jogged continuous loops around her quaint, suburban, neighborhood block until Trey’s Jeep was no longer parked out front of her family’s home. She had no idea what to make of the moment they had, only that she was high on the feeling and would rather die of heat exhaustion from the exuberant amount of cardio she was doing than run into him again before she was emotionally ready.

As soon as the coast was clear, Maybelle bolted for her room, her adrenaline launching her at a neck-breaking speed. She eagerly and swiftly showered away all the anxious sweat from her body, clad on her fluffy pink bath robe, then parked herself on her bed, pen in hand, ready to document every detail of her encounter with Trey into her journal.

Maybelle wasn’t a quiet girl who had nothing special to tell the world, she was quiet because she told her whole worldeverythingthrough the words of a small, black, leather-bound notebook.

Since Maybelle was in middle school, she had recounted anything and everything into this little notebook. Every high and every low was detailed in the form of letters to someone she one day hoped to meet. So, she sat for a while writing out every look, touch, and smirk from Trey, with a girly grin tight on her lips.

“Lovebug, are you ready yet?” Stephanie rapped her knuckles on Maybelle’s door later that afternoon before she entered her daughter’s room.

The air in the small, closed off room was stuffy, hot from another shower Maybelle felt was necessary after revisiting the mere recollection of that morning with Trey to write out the particulars of the once in a lifetime experience into her journal and her blow dryer she used to help speed up the dry time of her overly long, thick coils of gold.

Stephanie walked into the dense warm air of the room to find Maybelle had clothed herself in a light, pale blue dress with spaghetti straps, a skirt that stopped just above her knees and did wonders for her curves. The powder blue of the satin fabric popped against Maybelle's sun-kissed skin and made her blue, green eyes shine like the ocean.

“Oh, Maybelle…”

Stephanie placed a tender hand over her own heart as she approached her daughter, admiring the dress. The dress was very pretty, it was Maybelle’s most favorite article of clothing she had ever owned, mainly because it was a dress she and her mom had specifically picked out together. She and Stephanie had bought it at the beginning of the school year when Maybelle thought she would be attending the annual homecoming dance. Which would have not only been her first school dance she’d ever attended but also her very first date. It was supposed to have been a momentous occasion, hence the beautiful dress she and Stephanie had gone and picked out special for the night.

The only reason Maybelle had gotten the absurd idea she might have been actually going to the dance was the fact a few prissy girls from Maybelle’s grade, who always seemed to be looking down their noses at her, had let it “slip” that Zachary Anders from their physics class was planning to ask Maybelle to the said dance. She didn’t necessarily believe them but like a foolshe’d gotten her hopes up that someone might actually take an interest to her.

Zachary had been her lab partner at the time.

He would tell her funny stories while she listened. He would tell jokes and she would smile, and when it came to their work, he had been a real asset to any group projects they were assigned together.

Maybelle had liked him, even thought to consider him one of her only friends until one of those bratty girls had made a big show of addressing Zachary in front of a majority of the senior class at lunch, including Maybelle. The girl had made a real effort in creating a spectacle that lured in a humiliating, large crowd just to ask Zachary if rumors were true and if he really planned to ask Maybelle to the homecoming dance.
