Page 131 of Between Sun and Moon

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“How?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” He shook his head. “It would seem I have the ability to heal you.”

I inspected my finger, wiggling it with ease. It was as good as new.

So then . . . it must be true. The God of Death could heal me, and I, the Goddess of life, could wound him fatally. He could bring me life and I could bring him death.

It seemed almost fitting in some strange way, and had our past not been so horrible, I might have found it a bit romantic.

“Thank you,” I said, after a brief passing of time. “For healing my finger.”

“Of course,” he said.

My attention snagged much too long on his lips. I blinked, my eyes meeting his. “Why did you kiss me?”

The left corner of his mouth twisted upwards. “Because I am a bastard.”

“Of that, we are of the same mind.”

He chuckled. “You mentioned before that you have come to make a deal . . . have you come to make your demands for our wedding, little bride?”

“No,” I snarled. “I have come to make a separate deal.”

“Pray tell, Kitten, what is it?”

“Aurelius has ordered a mass killing of anyone who has a droplet of Old God blood.” Softly, I shook my head, still disbelieving the words coming out of my mouth. “They are innocent people . . .”

“And so, you wish to make a deal to save them.” He studied me with as much intensity as a jungle cat tracking an antelope.

“I do.” I nodded. “I am willing to trade whatever you want in exchange for letting them come live here, safely in the Spirit Realm.”

“As tempting as your offer is, that is something I cannot do.”

“Cannot or will not?” I snipped.

He grinned. “I do love lighting that angry fire within you.”

I ignored his prodding. “Answer my question.”

“Very well. I cannot bring the living to the realm of the dead.”

“But then—”

“I wasn’t finished,” he purred, and like the night of the ball, I found myself transfixed by him—in those starless eyes of his. When he reached for me, I did not deny him. His fingers slid across my cheek, his touch so incredibly gentle. “There is a continent in the Living Realm, cut off from the rest. Edenvale.”

I nodded. “I know of it.”

“Take them there. I will gift you the ability to create a great barrier that will surround the entire continent. No mortals or New Gods will be able to get in or out unless you allow. Not even your precious king will be able to destroy it.” His thumb grazed my bottom lip—his touch wreaking havoc on my thoughts.

Why was I allowing him to touch me like this? Why . . . did I want him to?

Deep down, I knew the answer.

“He is no longer my king,” I replied, peering up at him through the halo of my white lashes. “What do you ask for in exchange?”

His lips thinned.

I almost reached out, almost caught his wrist as he pulled his hand away, but I held firm in my resolve, ignoring those uncharted feelings he stirred within me.
