Page 144 of Between Sun and Moon

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“Folkoln and I didn’t do it alone,” Kaleb said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, confusion weighing my brows.

He shook his head slightly as he shrugged one shoulder, as if he were still in disbelief about it. “The king’s advisor—Arkyn—showed Folkoln and me where Aurelius was keeping you. It was in a part of the castle that no one knew existed. And it was heavily guarded. Arkyn told the guards they were needed elsewhere, giving us a chance to get to you.”

I sat with that information for a moment. Arkyn had . . . helped me? But that would have meant that he went against his father. Once Aurelius found out what he did—which he would, because Arkyn couldn’t tell a lie—that would mean only one thing . . .

“Aurelius will kill Arkyn for it,” I blurted out, my voice etched in urgency. “We can’t let that happen.”

Kaleb spoke over his shoulder, “Told you.”

“So you did,” Folkoln mused.

“He’s safe for now. Folkoln gave him a place to lie low for the time being,” Kaleb reassured me.

I glanced at Folkoln, noting the wicked twist to his lips, and decided I did not feel reassured one bit. But at least Arkyn would be safe—ish. Heavy emphasis on theishpart.

I heard more movement coming from the tent’s entrance and looked to see who it was. Lyra stood there, her hand holding onto . . . Graiyson’s.

I blinked, my gaze bouncing between the two. Although they didn’t share a lot of physical traits, the big doe eyes were a dead giveaway now that I was seeing them side by side. Sothat’swhy his eyes seemed familiar. Graiyson and Lyra were most definitely brother and sister.

Kaleb backed away as the two siblings came to the side of the bed. With her free hand, she pulled a folded piece of paper from the pocket of her petal-pink skirt hemmed with a delicate white lace and handed it to me.

I opened it, reading the flowery script.

And when I looked back up, Lyra was sobbing, her tiny shoulders shaking as she wept. It was the first time I had ever heard her make any sort of sound. She dropped to her knees, scooped up my hand, and pressed it to her forehead.

Graiyson wrapped his arms around his sister, pinning her auburn hair to her neck as he hugged her trembling frame.

My eyes went misty. Softly, I shook my head. “But it wasn’t just me.” I looked at Ryker. “You got them the rest of the way.”

“No, Sage, I won’t take any credit for this.” Ryker shook his head. “You were the one that gave them hope . . . You were the one who saved them.”

Graiyson poked his head up. “We’d still be down there if it wasn’t for you.” He threw a hand to the tent’s entrance. “Everyone out there knows it.”

My brows furrowed in confusion.

“This isn’t the only family you’ve reunited, Sage,” Harper spoke softly as she stepped behind Lyra, her hand falling to her shoulder.

“They are waiting for you,” Graiyson exclaimed. His face brightened with a big smile, exposing that one broken tooth. “You should go outside and see.”

“Graiyson, she just woke up,” Harper scolded him. “She needs bedrest.”

“She’s rested enough,” Ezra said. Her hand clasped the handle of her cane as she slid off the bed and began to walk towards the entrance. “Come, child. Come see what you have done.”

I looked to Harper for answers.

“I guess if Ezra is giving you the all clear, you must be good to go.” She sighed and shook her head, the ends of her long ponytail falling from its perch on her shoulder. She extended an arm to me. “Come on, I’ll help you up.”

Nodding, I took her arm. Ryker moved to my other side, and together, the fire twins helped me onto my feet.

It was a bit embarrassing how wobbly my legs were—no better than a newborn fawn—but I took my time and slowly, I was able to walk half decently again.

Graiyson held the tent flap to the side as I passed through it.

Wearily, my eyes shifted to the sky. I drew a relieved breath when I saw nothing but clouds blocking out the sun. A cool, wintery breeze played with the tips of my hair, and although it reminded me of Von, I could not deny that I took comfort in it.

I looked forward. My gaze dropped and my heart stumbled.
