Page 148 of Between Sun and Moon

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“And it will, child, but you are the only one who can get it.” Ezra tapped the wooden handle on the lip of the pot, knocking a few droplets off, before she rested it on the counter. “It’s done,” she said to Harper.

Harper glanced at the small flame that danced beneath the pot, instantly smothering it out. “We sort of need to knowwhereit is, if we’re going to get it.”

“I’m getting to that,” Ezra said, her hand sliding along the counter as she walked over to a row of open shelves that lined the kitchen walls—much like back at the cottage. Ezra rose to the tips of her toes as she reached for an empty jar, her arm not quite long enough to reach.

“So then where is it?” Harper asked as she reached over top of Ezra, grabbed the jar, and handed it to her.

Ezra sniffed the jar and then she grinned. “Thermes de Luxe.”

“The bathhouse?” Harper and I sputtered at the exact time.

Ezra nodded as she bustled her way back over to the pot. “That’s where the Blade of Moram is, in the hands of a vengeance-seeking soul.”

What did the bathhouse have to do with a vengeance-seeking soul?

One nasty Goddess of War—that’s what.

“She’ll never give it to me,” I exclaimed to Ezra. The last time I saw Von’s sister, things had gone south in a hurry—to the point where she tried to strangle me.

“Well, of course she won’tgiveit to you,” Ezra said as she walked back over to the pot. “But she will make a deal with you.”

“Adeal?Withme?”I shook my head. “What couldIpossibly have that the Goddess of War would want?”

Ezra began to spoon some of the contents of the pot into the empty jar, and despite her blindness, she didn’t spill so much as a drop. She chuckled. “How should I know?”

I had a feeling she did, the sneaky old bird. Sometimes, conversing with Ezra was like having a conversation with, well, rocks. She’d been like that for as long as I had known her—giving out just enough information, but never all of it.

I let out an aggravated sigh.

Harper walked towards us, two steaming cups of tea in her hands. She placed one on the table in front of Lyra, and then offered the other one to Graiyson. He shook his head. She raised it towards me, silently asking if I wanted it.

Softly, I said, “No, thank you.”

She looked at Ryker, but when she spotted the cup of spirits in his hand, she didn’t bother to offer him any. She maneuvered gracefully around the coffee table and sat down beside me.

“So when are we going?” Ryker asked, turning his body enough so that he could peer over the back of the settee at Ezra. “I can have the horses ready to leave within an hour.”

“You are needed here,” Ezra replied as she placed the filled jar down on the counter with a heavythunk. Steam swirled from the top.

“Lyra and Graiyson have only just been reunited,” Harper stated before she glanced to me. “Looks like it will be just me and you then.”

“No,” Ezra cut in. “You will stay too.”

“You can’t be serious. Surely, you’re not expecting her to travel on her own? Immortal or not, it’s still dangerous for her out there. Not to mention she doesn’t even know the way.” Harper’s head swiveled to mine, an apologetic smile dressing her lips. “Sorry, I hope that didn’t sound rude.”

I gave a soft shake of my head.

“She won’t be going alone,” Ezra answered as she started her way towards the living room, about ten paces from the kitchen.

“Then who will she be traveling with?” Ryker asked, his brown eyes watching Ezra as she sat down beside him.

“He will,” Ezra said.

Tendrils of black smoke whispered into existence, not far from the coffee table. They snaked their way to the floor, forming boots first, then legs and a torso. Lastly, they formed a face—one very handsome, snarling face.

Obsidian eyes, full of wrath, shot like daggers towards Ezra. “You’d better have one fucking good reason why you didn’t tell me you knew Saphira has the Blade of Moram.” Folkoln threw one hand to the side, slicing the air. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for it?”

“Not as long as your sister, I would imagine. And I have two reasons,” Ezra said with a chuckle. “Neither of which I will divulge to you. Now, are you going to continue to act like a toddler or are you going to help her get the blade?” Ezra flicked her head my way, gesturing to me.
