Page 154 of Between Sun and Moon

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I scanned the grounds as we flew overhead, frantically searching.

A lethal shot of panic injected my heart, because caught in the middle, surrounded by Demi Gods who were quickly closing in, was—

“Harper!” I shouted, turning to Folkoln. “Help her.”

Black eyes met mine. “I will not fight a war for the living.” His voice was firm.

“Then let me down,” I said, growling.

“Fine.” Sleekly, he tucked his wings in, and we dove towards the ground.

As soon as my feet touched the burning, bloody earth, I shoved the Blade of Moram into Folkoln’s hands. “Get Von.”

“Wait!” Folkoln barked, but his words were lost to me, the muscles in my legs firing up as I ran towards Harper, a silent prayer on repeat . . .

Creator above, let me get to her,I pleaded desperately.

For a moment, I could see her. Still standing, but just barely.

She was holding her side, a flame sword in her free hand as she slashed wearily at the Demi God closest to her. Her hair tie had reached the ends of her hair, nearly falling out. She roared, her sword biting into him, blood spraying onto her already battle-painted face.

But he didn’t fall.

He grabbed the blade, and twisted the sword from her hands, leaving her weaponless. But not for long—she threw her palm towards him, a tornado of flame blasting in his direction. It sent him back, flying into the soldiers behind him.

Another soldier moved behind Harper, his fingers clenching as he slowly raised his fist.

Harper screamed, her hands flying to her head as he plucked at her mental strings.

I roared, conjured a water spear, took aim, and hurtled it. It soared through the air, straight and true, burrowing into his head.

Harper swirled towards me, eyes flaring when she spotted me through the tidal wave of soldiers that separated us. “Sage!” she shouted, her voice nearly swallowed up by the sounds of clanking swords and shields, merciless cries, and desperate yelling.

She blasted another soldier with her flame, just before his whirlwind nearly found purchase. But just barely. Whatever was wrong with her side was affecting her movement. And by the looks of her weary, pain-stricken face, her wound was serious.

Twin blades formed in my hands as I started fighting my way to her. And she to me.

My heartbeat hammered in my ears, drumming so loudly I heard nothing else—just that quick, heavy, steady beat, the same sound I had heard when Kaleb died in my arms. The same sound I heard when I believed my forest was burning. The same sound I heard when Von shattered my heart.

That sound had played in the darkest moments of my life.

And here it was, playing again.

But this time, it was for Harper.

It was a countdown.

The seconds I had left to get to her.

The earth shot up, the ground turning into deadly spikes beneath my feet. Just before they impaled me, I blasted the ground with water, the force of it projecting me up into the air—out of their reach. Midair, I twisted, eyes fixing on the Demi God that had set her sights on me. Before I landed, I hurtled one of my twin blades at her. The ground shot up in front of her and she blocked my attack, at the same time I landed.

She stepped out from behind her barrier, smirking—her teeth razor sharp. Like they had been filed down to look that way.

. . . What had Aurelius done to them?

Her wrists touched, one hand pointed skyward while the other pointed down. She thrust them towards me, and the ground heaved, like a giant snake had burrowed underneath it, and it was headed right for me, tossing anyone in its path, ally or foe, out of the way.

I held my ground, knowing I couldn’t outrun it. And just when it was a blink away from reaching me, I gave a mighty roar and plunged my sword into the ground. Her attack smashed into my sword with such force I wondered if my teeth had rattled loose in my head. But my blade held—I held—and it was enough to block her attack.
