Page 158 of Between Sun and Moon

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It felt like a massive stone had been dropped into the well of my stomach, heavily striking the bottom.

“Fuck!” I yelled as I leapt off the table, my shadows slithering around me, nearly breaking off into their actual forms. “What did Sage trade her?” I grabbed his tunic, balled it into my fist.

He exhaled a breath. “Your feathers.”

“And where would she get the idea to trade them?” I snarled at him. Although I already knew the answer.

A vein kicked in Folkoln’s jaw. “I told her.”

I bared my teeth at him as I snarled, “Then you have betrayed me.”

Folkoln stood his ground. “Ididwhat was necessary to save you.”

I roared at him, the sound animalistic, as I shoved him away from me.

Folkoln started, “Brother—”

“Where ismy mate?” I demanded, cutting him off. He could save his empty apology for another day. Right now, all that mattered washer.

He clenched his jaw, released it, and said, “She is in the Cursed Lands . . . fighting Aurelius’s army.”

At that moment, the Blade of Moram disappeared from Folkoln’s hand.

“What did you do with the blade?” I asked, urgently. Frantically.

Folkoln shook his head as he peered at his empty hand. “I didn’t do anything with it.”

Which meant . . . “It’s gone to her.”

Terror. Sheer, horrific terror—the kind in which I had only felt once before in my long life—seeped under my skin, lighting every nerve ending, every fiber aflame.

I needed to get to her.


Aurelius landed with such force that the ground trembled beneath my feet, startling the stubbornest of birds from the trees in the distance—something hundreds of soldiers couldn’t even manage.

“After all that I have done for you, and this is how you repay me?” Aurelius growled, his regal voice infiltrated with disgust.

“All that you havedonefor me?” I mocked. “You have done nothing but bring me and others pain, Aurelius. You do not deserve to be king of anything.”

“I am the sun!” he roared at me, the sound as loud as a blacksnake whip splitting flesh. “I am a God. The King of Kings. How dare you insult me. You, the worthless daughter of the moon. Goodfor nothing.”

The goddess in me roared to life.

Yes, he had been born of the sun, and it was his light that sustained life, from the plants to the trees to all living things. But I was born of the moon. It wasmygravity that held the realms in place.Mycaress that kept the tides moving.

And for him to rise, I had to bow.

Not anymore.

I was done bowing.

I raised my hand to the azure sky, conjuring a sword, but instead of water and ice, obsidian and glass answered—

The Blade of Moram.

“So this is how it will be then,” Aurelius snarled as he tossed his hands to the sides, flame swords appearing in each one. One had a curved blade and the other one was straight. If he were to put the pommels side by side, they would form a sun. He dragged the tips on the ground as he began to walk towards me. His massive, golden wings spread out behind him, dominating the horizon.
