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“Yes, I read and write frequently.”

“What do you write?”

“I have a wide palate, so my writings vary. I’ve dabbled in a variety of things.” He gestured to a stone and mortar bench tucked between twin winged statues—sister carvings carrying baskets of fruit. “Will you sit with me?”

“Sure,” I said as I took a seat, my fatigued leg muscles aiding in my answer. I hadn’t realized how out of shape I had become over the past few weeks.

He sat beside me and the scent of saffron renewed—rich like honey, but slightly bitter like metal on the tongue. It was masculine. Indulgent.

“I’ll admit, some of the things I write are . . . less than noble.” A whisper of a sensual smile graced his lips. “I recall having a naughty muse.” Gold eyes met mine, as mesmerizing as the sun. “I blame her for tainting me.”

I didn’t need to ask who his muse was because I could physically feel the answer. A wealth of touches, kisses, and caresses washed over my skin. My cells remembered it all, even if my mind could not.

Heat licked at my cheeks, and I turned the other way.

Silence fell for a moment.

“There’s something else I’ve been meaning to discuss with you,” he said softly, seriously. “I am sorry about the collar. Although Arkyn was the one who put it there, I am the reason that it remains.”

Instinctually, my hand roamed to the heavy weight fastened around my neck. Although it was thinner than the collar I had arrived in, the symbolism behind it remained the same—Cursed. Underneath the collar, my skin felt itchy and raw from the metal constantly rubbing against it.

“In all honesty, you did spend a great deal of time with my enemy—the God of Death. I cannot be certain what lies he might have crafted during your time with him or any poisoning he might have done. Add to the fact that you do not remember being wed to me, that I am essentially a stranger to you, and you are living in your enemy’s castle, the collar feels necessary for now. At least, until I feel we trust one another.”

Surface level—Aurelius was a dick for neutering me from my Curses, something that was as essential as a limb.

Deeper down—I understood why he felt the collar was necessary. There was a lack of trust between us. That same lack of trust was why I hadn’t told him my plans to kill the king.

So for now, that was how it would be between us—until I could convince him to trust me.


After we left the courtyard gardens, Aurelius escorted me to my chambers, our conversation light and meaningless. It was a welcome change.

I couldn’t help but notice how people responded to him as we passed by. Regardless of if they were nobles or servants, each of them exhibited the same response—they were completely and irrevocably spellbound, like their mortal souls unintentionally recognized the divinity emitting from him.

Sometimes, he stopped to speak with some of his subjects, and it was in those moments that I found myself somewhat in awe. I’d thought Arkyn was extremely charming when I first saw him at the bathhouse in Belamour, but now I realized that he paled in comparison when it came to Aurelius.

It was like comparing the fallen leaves of autumn with the blossoms of fresh spring—both were of seasons and charming in their own right, but spring, the season of rebirth, was far more enchanting.

When we approached the door that led into my chambers, the two guards waiting outside bowed to Aurelius, their armor squawking in the process. He heeded the guards little mind, his attention fixed on me.

I began to take off the robe he lent to me during our walk, but he raised a hand, gesturing for me to stop. “You may keep it.”

Keep his cloak?Thatdidn’t sit right.

I shook my head. “I can’t.”

A curious brow raised. “And whycan’tyou?”

Because couples shared clothes, and as far as my memory went right now, we were not a couple, regardless of the ring he wore on his finger. Von and I—we were a couple. Taking a cloak from another man felt like a sliver of betrayal poking its way in, something that was bound to get infected.

But instead of telling him that, I just handed him the cloak. “I just can’t.”

He folded it over his arm, his expression stoic.

Unspoken words and feelings dampened the air.

I took a breath. “Please understand that this—” I gestured to him and me, “—situation is all very new to me, and I need time to process. So for now, I would prefer it if we could just be friends.”
