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“Alright,” I replied, my skirts rubbing against one another as we walked, the sound accompanied by the click of my heels. Aurelius’s steps were silent, as per usual.

“I am aware you asked her for something to protect you from becoming pregnant,” he said, lowering his tone as we walked by two young girls. They stopped immediately and bowed. When they were out of earshot, he continued, “I just wish you had spoken to me first.”

Spoken to him first? The request struck a nerve.

“Aurelius, we’ve only just started working things out between us. It feels a bit early for you and me to have discussions about what I do withmy body,” I replied, not bothering to hide the annoyance I felt. “And how do you know what I spoke to her about?”

“I have good hearing.”

“Good enough to hear through walls?”


I committed that little fact to memory. Next time, I’d tell the eavesdropper to go down the hall. Annoyed, I stalked forward.

His fingers slipped around my arm and he softly spun me towards him. “This isn’t just aboutyourbody. We are talking about the possibility ofourchild—the future king.”

I felt like I was going to be sick—I was nowhere near ready to have a child. That was . . . if I even could.

“I am not ready for that.” I tugged my arm out of his grasp.

He let it go. “Not ready? When you told me that you no longer wanted to be friends, I took it that you were choosing us.Thisis part ofus,” he said, gesturing with his hand between him and me. “Making life is the very thing we were created to do, and now we might actually have a chance at that.”

“I can’t believe we are even discussing this,” I scoffed, taking a much-needed step back from him.

“If not now, then when, Aurelia?” he said, a droplet of frustration swirling in his typically even tone.

I gaped. Pushing me on this was unbelievable. “Fine, if you want to do this now, then we will. Yes, we were married in our past life, but that is notthislife. You call me Aurelia, but you forget that I amalsoSage—that I have lived a separate life from you for nearly twenty-three years, and even though we were something to one another in the past, I hardly have any memories of those times. The relationship between us, to me,isnew. So once again, I am not ready to evendiscussthe possibility of a child.”

Aurelius looked like I had just smacked him across the face, not even bothering to hide the hurt in his eyes. And my heart nearly fractured at that. Immediately, I regretted what I’d said, even if it was the truth.

Calling mewifewas one thing, but to bring a child into this chaotic mess of a so-called life? That was entirely another.

“Unbelievable. Despite everything,hestill has a hold on you, doesn’t he?” he said, his calm tone holding the slightest hint of a snarl. The line between his shoulders was strung taut, his posture more rigid than usual.

I didn’t need to ask whohewas. That part I knew. But what irked me more was the fact that he was using Von as a crutch in this disagreement while simultaneously ignoring what I’d just said.

“How dare you even ask me that,” I fired at him. And for the first time in weeks, I felt my power swirl within me—I felt that well fill, my Curse coming back stronger than ever. Creator above, it was good to feel that vital part of me again.

“I think it’s a reasonable question. You have spent a lot of time with him over the past so many months. I’m sure he filled your head with plenty of lies, just as he did before.” His words stung like salt in a wound—Vonhadlied to me. And having it tossed in my face left me feeling like a rabid cornered animal with a hand reaching for it.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I snapped back. “I thought we were past that. Does this mean you are going to collar me again?” I stretched my neck, showing him the rawness of my flesh, shining with salve.

Aurelius took a step towards me. “You know why I had to do that.”

“To protectyourself,” I hissed.

He stormed to the other side of the hallway and slammed his palm into the stone wall as he roared, “Even in death, he plagues our marriage!”

My brows hooked low, lured on a moment of confusion. Then, it made sense.

Aurelius must think that Arkyn’s deal had worked.

I took a deep breath. “He’s not dead.”

Aurelius swirled around, his golden eyes burning as hot as a forge.

Thatwas the only warning I had before the world around me was engulfed in flames. And although the fire did not touch me, I could not say the same for the rest of the hallway.
