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I would take back what was mine—just as death always did.


The Immortal Realm had fallen and the Living Realm was on the verge of doing the same.

Everything had gone as planned. Better than planned.

I was surprised to find out how many people in the Living Realm still supported the Old Gods. They prayed for us to win the war, and it was those prayers that filled me and the other gods and goddesses of old with insurmountable power. Some of them had never left the faith of the Old Gods so naturally, they cheered for us to reclaim what was once ours.

But something else unexpected happened that really tipped the decade-long war in our favor—Aurelius’s reign had depleted the Living Realm of females to such astronomically low numbers that most of the people who had once prayed forhim no longer did. In fact, most of those in the Living Realm had grown to hate the God of Life, to spit upon the ground when they heard his name.

There was another group that emerged—the people who prayed solely for their prestigious Lady Light. A smile caressed my lips—she had quite the little following. Her time spent in the Living Realm, speaking with the mortals as she made her way back to the Immortal Realm, had served her well—something, in all honesty, she could thank me for. If I had not stolen her away all of those times and taken her to Living Realm, she would have never been able to experience it.

She was one of the last New Gods left standing, protecting the Living Realm.

“Get your filthy hands off of me!” Aurelius bellowed as my sentries dragged him into the throne room of the Golden Palace.

The throne room had only one throne, and judging by the gaudy sunbeam carved at the top, it was for Aurelius. I couldn’t say that I was surprised—he was too much of a narcissist to grant his female a throne. He couldn’t even grant her the title of queen, demanding that the people call herprincessinstead.

I glanced at the marble floor, to a worn spot beside the throne—how many times had she stood there, showing her loyalty and respect to him, when he did nothing of the sort for her? Unable to help myself, I snarled at the thought.

Aurelius’s head snapped up, his usually perfect hair horribly disheveled. He bared his teeth at me. The charred and shattered remnants of his golden armor were lackluster in appearance. He was the strongest god I had ever faced in battle, and if we were to fight again, I was not incompetent enough to think I could win a second time around.

My unbreakable cuffs wound around his feet and his wrists, the chain that joined them snaked up to the collar around hisneck. They were forged from the crystal formations that grew in the deep underbelly of the Spirit Realm. Prior to the war, I had tested them on myself, confirming that their diamond-like structure was stronger than I. After, I had dozens of them made—one for each god and goddess that served Aurelius.

There was one set left . . . I’m sure you could imagine whose sweet little wrists, ankles, and neck they were for.

I sat in Aurelius’s gilded throne, my legs spread, filling up the seat better than he ever could. I had one elbow dropped on the armrest, a thumb tucked under my chin and my forefinger pressed against the iron of my cheek, supporting the side of my head. Casual arrogance radiated from me.

“How dare you sit in my throne!” Aurelius barked at me, his voice still holding enough strength to crack like thunder inside the grand, empty room.

“How dare I?” I chuckled, gesturing to the room. “You built this golden palace of yours upon my lands. Took my crown. And my realms. Who stole from whom?”

“The Creator removed your crown and created me to take your place. I have ruled the realms in ways you could have only ever dreamed of. And I do it so much better than you,” Aurelius snarled, attempting to match my level of mind fuckery.

It was a wasted attempt.

Footsteps sounded as a tall male, dressed in black leather armor strode in through the door, a spear in his hand. The God of Famine. “We’ve located the Goddess of Life.”

“Where?” I asked, feigning uninterest despite the urgency that thrummed in my veins.

“They switched continents. She now fights with the army defending Marsallae,” he replied.

I hid a smile. What a cunning little minx. That move was not one I had expected.

Aurelius’s eyes flared wide, boiling with anger. He fought against the hold of my sentries as he growled, “If you touch my wife—”

“If?” I cut him off with a wicked grin. “Oh, little king, didn’t she tell you that last time I took her, sheletmetouch her?” I bit my bottom lip, scraping my teeth along it as I let it spring free. I tipped my head back, ever so slightly, asserting my dominance. “Tell me, have you ever noticed how soft her skin is? Truly, it’s more luxurious than silk. And the color of her skin, it is as if she were painted by the moon. So soft, so delicate—how easy it will be to mark. I will enjoy leaving my handprints all over her—corrupting her with my touch. Perhaps . . . I’ll let you watch.”

I left that parting gift with the fucker before I shadow walked to the Living Realm.

My wings stretched behind me, slicing the air as I soared amongst the clouds, over the battlefield. Like a hawk, I searched for her, my sweet little kitten.

There—the left side of my mouth pulled upwards into a sly grin—I’d found her. At last.

Her armor hugged dangerously close to her feminine curves. I imagined it had once been white and gold, but now it was painted in the colors of war—blood, mud, and gore.

A horse belonging to my army barreled into her, tossing her backwards. Her head smashed into a boulder, the sound of it louder than the cries of her brethren—it echoed in my ears. Myeyes narrowed. I clenched my jaw, the sound grating on my nerves for a variety of reasons—some of which I preferred not to dabble in.
