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Ron matched her gaze, a sly smile creeping onto his face. "Oh, don't you worry, darling," he retorted. "I've already taken care of that. There might be a certain... saucy little number that you'd look fantastic in."

The insinuation was clear, and I felt a wave of embarrassment flush over me. Across the table, Mike was pressing his lips together, clearly struggling to contain his laughter.

Mom’s laughter rang through the room as she playfully slapped Ron's arm. "Oh, you! I can't wait to... put it on and see if you enjoy that." She replied, the innuendo in her voice as obvious as the crimson color spreading across my cheeks.

This flirty banter between them was far more than I wanted to hear. The hilarity of the situation, however, was lost on Mike. His shoulders were shaking with suppressed laughter. "You guys are something else!" he gasped, trying to catch his breath between laughs.

"Guys!" I finally interjected, my cheeks still flushed. "I'm not a kid anymore, you know. I can understand your code language." The words fell into a moment of silence, followed by Mike's booming laughter echoing through the dining room.

"Oh, Lina!" She chuckled, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye. "Welcome to adulthood, dear."

As Mike's laughter subsided, we all shared a knowing smile. Soon, post-dinner calm washed over the room, the chatter and laughter dwindling down to a murmur. As I set down my fork, I cleared my throat, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Mom, Ron, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," I began, my voice trembling slightly. Their eyes met mine, their expressions curious yet cautious.

"I want to find my biological father."

The silence that followed was almost deafening. I could feel their eyes on me, shock mingling with concern. But I pressed on, my voice steadier now, "I need you both to know that this isn't about you, or anything you've done. You've given me everything, more than enough love, more than enough support."

I felt a lump form in my throat, but I swallowed hard, determined to get the words out. "This isn't about filling a void or finding something I didn't have. I've always known that I was loved, cherished even. This is about me understanding my roots, my story."

A hush blanketed the room. Joan, normally so vivacious and lively, seemed to retreat into herself, her eyes wide and unseeing. "Would anyone like more dessert?" She asked, her voice devoid of its usual warmth.

Ron met my eyes, his expression gentle. "We understand. We all have questions about who we are, where we come from," he said, his voice steady and comforting. "It might even turn out to be a bit of an adventure, and we support you."

Turning to mom, he gently asked, "Don't we, Joan?"

Joan's eyes were moist as she looked at me, the jovial energy from before replaced by something far more somber. "I'm sorry for acting so cold. The truth is... your father, he was a one-night stand. A man I knew nothing about. But he gave me you, and for that, I'll always be grateful."

A wistful smile tugged at her lips. "I wish you all the best on your journey, my love. But be careful. Your father was... different. It's what attracted me to him in the first place. But remember, the truth isn't always pleasant."

I felt a smile bloom on my face. There was a certain comfort in knowing that they understood, even if they were surprised. I knew then that no matter where my quest took me, I would always have a home, a family, waiting for me.

The tension in the room melted away as mom, ever the savior, skillfully steered the conversation back onto lighter tracks. She turned her sparkling eyes on me, a mischievous glint present in them. "So, there's been something on my mind all evening," she said, her voice laced with a playful tone.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Is Mike your boyfriend?" Her question rang out in the quiet room. Mike erupted in hearty laughter.

"Joan, I hate to break it to you, but I bat for the other team," he said, wiping a tear from his eye.

Ron chimed in, a twinkle in his eye. "I knew it! I told you, Joan, my radar is impeccable. I've got a colleague, his son is also gay. Maybe..."

My eyes widened at his obliviousness. "Ron, just because they're both gay doesn't mean they'll be a perfect match!"

Mike, however, handled it with his trademark sass. "Sorry to disappoint, Ron, but I'm already spoken for. The best of them all has my heart."

Joan clapped her hands together, grinning from ear to ear. "Well then, maybe you should teach my daughter here a thing or two about finding a man."

"Joan," Mike quipped, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I think her happily ever after is closer than she thinks."

My thoughts involuntarily shifted to Hank. Was Mike hinting at my unrequited crush? The thought sent a flutter through my stomach. As we left that night, I couldn't help but ponder the idea. How would they react to Hank? Would they welcome him with open arms like they did Mike?

I shook my head, quickly pushing the thoughts aside. Hank probably had no interest in me, and it was foolish to fantasize about such things. With a sigh, I focused on the road ahead.

Stepping back into the comforting familiarity of my apartment, Mike and I settled onto the worn-out couch, kicking off our shoes as we prepared to wait for Joe to pick him up. The silence that blanketed the room was soothing.

But the tranquility was short-lived. A chill ran down my spine as a familiar scent assaulted my senses. It was Finn's cologne, a smell I had tried to scrub out of my life along with the bitter memories of my ex-boyfriend. Like a phantom, the odor seemed to drift through the air. My breath hitched, the scent serving as a brutal, visceral reminder of a past that I had been trying to bury deep within the recesses of my memory.
